Best Alliance Warrior race?


Let’s get real here. Nobody’s playin Ally in 8.3.

Worgen by far looks the coolest for warriors on the alliance.

Apart from human, I’d probably say Nightelves. I don’t know, the lore & whatnot in Legion’s storyline in Val’Sharah at Blackrook hold gave me major Night-elf warrior vibes.

Honestly, Gnomes. Sure Humans look Heroic, and Dwarves have a Warrior culture, but when you see a Fury gnome with twin Ashcandies you know you got hit by a tiny ball of doom.

p.s. Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood ((

funny… :laughing: :sweat_smile: :joy::rofl: :upside_down_face: Seriously Pandas aren’t great as much besides Monks and Rogues.

Feast your eyes

Once I roll my Mechagnome, I’m race Changing Mary Blood Elf.

Kul Tirans, obviously.

Gnome warriors are the best warriors atm, maybe because all their blows are low blows.