Best Alliance Race for Transmogs

Which was ironically also my answer — yet you took offense at me also saying 90% of mail armor looks bad.

So do yourself a favor, and save face by no longer responding.

Edit: The question is also about alliance races, so you being able to have a decent looking mog as an orc has no real bearing on what OP is looking for.

I feel like there’s a pretty distinct difference in spirit if not in letter between, “Don’t worry about race, you can make any of them look good,” versus, “Don’t worry about race, you’re guaranteed to look like garbage.”

But let me guess, my opinion is still irrelevant on an Alliance character because the OP’s is male?

You know what

You know what happens when you assume.

But we can get into specifics if that’s really what you want.

I already described the issues to overcome with the alliance races, the exclusion being Kul Tiran because Kul Tiran male doesn’t actually look bad in mail gear in a way where the armor is skewed like on other races. They are just fat…if you can get around that, they are a great go to, because the heritage armor offers variety that you cannot find in any other mail armor (trenchcoat and tricorne).

Female Kul Tiran — well, if that’s your thing…great…but we could have had somethign much better. I’ll link the original mmo-champ thread

Dark Iron heritage armor works great with Fury of the Stonemother and a few other legendary transmogs. Regular dwarf heritage armor can blend in with a lot of pieces because of its neutral tone.

Female and Male Draenei have no racial armor yet, and are thus restricted to regular mail gear and shaman sets. Both have shoulder issues that you need to work around.

It’s a matter of personal preference. As alliance, you can be fat but your armor isn’t skewed. You can join the slutmog army, but have weird shoulder placement. You can join the giant shoulderpad beefy bois, or you can be a pint-sized block person.

None of this changes that you will feel more restricted than other armor types, simply because mail armor has a lot worse looking pieces than the other armor types.

I really like the BFA armor set. Looks great with a few extra pieces. In sunlight and bright light the metallic colors shine. YMMV

Sorry, wrong character. Here.