Best addons?

So I see Omnibar is still around which is nice but BG targets and Gladius seem to be gone… What are the alternatives you can use nowadays? I found GladiusEX which seems to be kept up to date mostly. Thanks in advance!

I use BattleGroundEnemies as my BG targets addon.

BattlegroundEnemies and GladiusEx/SaArena have replaced those.

I am having issues with BGE, it doesn’t seem to automatically update the status of players in the game so I have to click or refresh to get it to display properly. I assume that’s because it’s 2 patches out of date.

Battlegroundenemies and Nameplateauras are pretty great.

Is nameplate auras the one where it has the little display around healers nameplates so you can see who to target when actively fighting? I see a ton of streamers using that but they never say what it is.

I think that’s healersmustdie or something

I don’t think I’ve ever used that because I already know who the healer is

Nameplateauras has buffs/debuffs above targets heads, like if they have die by the sword up, or avenging wrath

Oh that sounds actually so sick. I saw that Omnibar was customizable to show buffs/debuffs and cooldowns too

BigDebuffs is also invaluable. Makes QoL adjustments to raid frames (more buffs/bigger debuffs), shows CC on various different frames (Player/Target/Focus/Party/Arena/Nameplates).

Yeah. I think that it’d help a lot of people to run stuff like this.

It isn’t always super visually obvious if somebody has an offensive (or defensive) cd up, or in cc.

there are sooooooooooooooooo many

just check the top pvp category rankers on the addon sites, and then check a bunch of other categories cuz they get used in pvp as well

watch QoL go up immensely

also some cosmetic/audio addons that just make pvp a lot more fun to experience and watch, stuff that enhances your dopamine feedback loop

Agreed. It’s a bit of a crutch, but Mes also has a great weakaura set for arena that has nice audio and visual queues.

That sounds more like HHTD or Healers Have To Die.

i just use these ones mostly for pvp apparently forums doesn’t want me to post the link even with the ’ in front

https : // imgur. com /a / yR0jpBB

im busy doing tmogs runs on my dk dont mind me x;