Best Add On manager for MAC?

I just found out that WoWUp doesn’t work with Macs. I’m helping a friend set up some add ons and I recommended WoWUp to him, but it’s not compatible.

What’s a good alternative for macs? I need him to install Details, Elvui, TellMeWhen among some other add ons.

Where did you see that? They have downloads on their page for both Intel and Arm.

Overwolf is killing off WoWUP soon anyway.

Wowup is already in the process of hosting all the addons on another website in order to stop using curseforge. Or so I’m told.

With all the app depositories out there now there is no way Overwolf kills off WoWUp.

And don’t use the idea of Addon creators wanting to be paid as a reason. If they all start only putting their addons onto Overwolf where they get paid then they have ethically broken the TOS about paid add-ons since you’d be paying Overwolf so they can pay the creators (Even if payola comes from Ads).

All of the addon developers would have to put their addons in other repositories or else people will still have to go to Curse.

Guess you have a reading comprehension problem.
As I said if addon developers would have to put their addons only on Curse so they get paid through Overwolf they are basically violating the part of the TOS that there can be no pay required addons.
Just because it will be Overwolf paying the developers it will be the same as paying the developers because the Players would be paying either through subscription or Advertising they have to view.
Also if Overwolf made it so Players can only get add-ons through Overwolf it would be the same as a Monopoly in any other business.

I guess you have an attitude problem. If only some of the addons are not on Curse, people will still need to go to Curse for some of their addons.

Well that’s certainly not true at all

It costs exactly zero dollars to download addons from Overwolf.