I’m not sure if you didn’t read my post or you’re trolling. Seriously, which is it?
The OP wasn’t asking about raids. I specifically stated in my very first sentence “for dungeons.”
I even said that you’d have to respec to Restoration once hitting 60.
They’re easily the worst of the pure DPS classes, at least in raids. For dungeons, it’s harder to compare because of varying power spikes and gear available for each class at each level.
The only reasons you’d bring one for dungeons is to have a pet that can off-tank, and a Warlock can handle that just fine, or to have them kite, and a mage can do that better.
I explained why in my post.
The OP said this:
“As much as possible,” implying there might be times where they don’t play together for whatever reason. Being able to solo will help tremendously with that.
While leveling, speccing into Holy will barely help your healing, whereas speccing into Shadow massively improves your ability to solo. You just have to carry around some pieces of +Healing gear, and you can heal dungeons just fine.
This is a self-contradictory sentence. They’re planning for dungeons, so why would they care about possibly getting kicked from raids?
Also, I don’t know if you played a different game, but in vanilla, you got all your class abilities, and talents mostly just improved them. For the most part, you’d know how to play your class just fine regardless of what spec you played.
We’re talking about dungeons, not PvP. The skill cap is pretty low for PvE in vanilla.