Best 5-man group for Classic

It really depends how you want to run dungeons.

If you had 2 druids 3 rogues, you could probably stealth through a decent chunk of trash.


What classes have your friends been considering, they may have differing opinions than whatever we can give you here. Sure we can theory craft it to death for you and build the ultimate party, but are your mates going to be happy playing those Classes, not just those specs.


Warrior or Pally Tank.
priest druid or sham healer.
Mage (decurse, sheep and water)
Rogue ( pick lock, sap)
hunter (ranged dps and off tank)

When you hit 40 you will have Plate, mail, leather and cloth covered. All drops are good drops :smiley:

If you are just tanking dungeons you dont really need to be a warrior, a druid or possibly paladin would work too.

Doing 5 mans I prefer pally tank honestly. hahaha

I think you have a ton of options. They don’t all have to be different armor users because healers are not going to be rolling on DPS/tank armor and DPSers are not going to be rolling on healing/tanking armor. So as long as your three DPSers are different armor types, you’re fine.

For DPS, the only thing I’d strongly recommend is having a mage for sheep. It’s the best CC in the game and rules in 5-mans. Having one other CC is also recommended, either a rogue for sap or a hunter for trap. A 3rd CC can trivialize trash, but is not a necessity.

For the 3rd DPS spot, don’t rule out hybrids like DPS specced pallies, shamans, and druids. I think they can do solid DPS in 5-mans because of the shorter fights, and the buffs, utility, and emergency heals they can bring make up for the difference. DPS hybrids can also be a lot of fun to play, as long as the player doesn’t have raid aspirations. I used to have an Elemental Shaman alt, and he did just fine DPSing in 5-mans.

For healer, any class will do. Priests are great, but they can all do the job and bring good things to the table in the form of buffs, battle rezzes, etc.

For horde:

Warrior tank

Mage DPS

Elemental DPS

Rogue DPS

Priest heals

For Alliance:

Paladin tank

Mage DPS

Rogue DPS

Hunter DPS

Those would be my ideals per faction to get as many buffs as possible, while minimizing loot competition as much as possible, and having at least 3 CC options per group.

Druid healers were extremely viable in 5-man group content in Vanilla WoW. They got a bad rap for not having a rez outside of their battle rez with a 30 minute cooldown. Sure, this could be frustrating when not in a decent group, but was basically a non-issue if your team is not dying frequently.

A resto druid in Vanilla relies very heavily on Healing Touch as their main source of healing. As a result, Improved Healing Touch to shave .5 seconds from the spell cast time is mandatory, and healing without it may feel awkward.

If you’re doing any solo-leveling, something like 0/12/10 would probably be your best bet early on. You will typically want to rush Feline Swiftness for the 30% movement speed while in cat form, then make your way down to Improved Healing Touch. Ferocity will help you kill mobs in Cat / Bear Form early on, and Feral Instinct will help you generate threat if you want to tank any low-level content. Then, once you obtain Travel Form at level 40, you might consider respeccing 0/0/31. Although, if you are not going to be doing any solo questing, you can certainly opt to skip any Feral talents in favor of simply rushing 10 points into the Restoration tree.

I love Vanilla talent trees, because there is some room for you to play with your spec. I prefer Improved Rejuvenation and Nature’s Focus for PvP and to help combat spell pushback suffered from any PvE mobs that may have escaped your tank’s focus. You may prefer Subtlety and Gift of Nature for lower threat gen and stronger healing - just find something that works best for your playstyle.

I could go on, but, honestly, your best bet if you’re interested in rolling a druid in Classic would be to Google “Classic WoW Druid guide” or something to that effect. Anything I can think to cover here will have already been addressed many times over by Classic WoW content creators.

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I’d go with one tank, a healer, and 3 other dps.


Druid tank, Priest healer, mage/rogue/shaman or paladin DPS

Druid tank because they’re the best 5man tank overall, super high health pool and ton of armor, lots of versatility with heals/spells/debuffs that warrior just doesn’t have.

Priest because duh, you’re THE healer, pretty much the best in 5mans, hands-down.

Mage for CC and AoE, rogue for stuns and interrupts and leet deeps, and a Paladin/Shaman for buffs / totems.

  • Tank: warrior or druid
  • Healer: priest or paladin
  • Damage/control:
    • mage
    • hunter
    • mage/warlock/rogue/warrior/(paladin for Rfd)

I would argue that druids are on par - if not better - than warriors for tanking 5 mans.

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given this quote I would suggest the following.

TANK - Druid (most consider them better 5 man tanks) warriors don’t start to shine until raid content, where they surpass druids in tanking.

HEALER: - Shaman (slightly less powerful heals than priest, but more that makes up with it with fantastic utility)

DPS - Mage (CC, Buffs, Water, Portals)

DPS - Hunter (CC, Pet off tank)

DPS - Warlock (soulstones, another pet offtank, summoning, also succubus CC and fear if needed)

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Generic fantasy: warrior, hunter, rogue, mage, priest. You’ve got all the roles, spread over different armor types, both ranged and melee classes. Everyone has a set role and can learn to do it perfectly.

Hybrid: paladin/shaman, druid, shadow priest, warlock, hunter. You’ve got flexibility, multiple tanks and heals, and pets. It’d be terrible for a pickup group, but with great coordination you have much better survivability. Harder, but more like interesting.

The best 5 man group is a Rogue / Rogue / Rogue / (druid/rogue) / Druid stealth group to do any instance in under 15 minutes.


Shaman / Warrior (dps) / Warrior (dps) / Warrior (dps) / (warrior/rogue) and just bounce around aggro until everything is dead. For bosses, just have whoever pulls aggro weapon swap to a shield.

I’d rather have a caster mob (Defias Pillagers shudder) running to me to whack me with his staff than firing away from range.

Warrior Tank (no gear competition)
Rogue dps (no gear competition)
Mage dps (no gear competition)
Shaman dps (no gear competition) can also use leather drops that the rogue doesnt need. (has great totems for warrior and rogue especially) (has resurrection spell without cooldown so having druid as healer doesn’t matter)
Druid Heal (no gear competition) can also use caster cloth that the mage doesn’t need.

Have them play what they think is cool.

If you are running just 5 mans, you can make it work. If you all choose to wear the same armor type, you can just run the instances again and again until you all get your armor types.

Playing what they think is ‘cool’ will keep everyone playing longer than being ‘optimal’.

What would my 5 man dream team look like?
Tank - Warrior
Healer - Druid
DPS - Warlock
DPS - Shadow Priest
DPS - Mage

I like the synergy between warlocks and shadow priests. You have nearly every kind of CC in the game. You have Brez and soulstone. You have portals and summon.

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Im not really sure if you are just messing with the OP or if you played a different game. Seriously, which is it? I raided and pvpd and druid tanks were definitely not top choice. Also, hunters were one of the better dps classes until you got into certain set bonuses. They were the go to class for kiting and their traps were often better for cc than sap as they could use it regardless of the targets combat status. As for healing, why tell the OP to go shadow then expect to change? He said he is setting up a 5 man group, he should start off with what they plan on playing or they will get kicked just as quick from a raid for not knowing their class.
You obviously have personal preferences, but by and large, they arent going to work for evryone. As far as locks are concerned, they went from demigods to trash depending on the skill of the player and the game build.

One thought to consider if you 5 will have enough time playing together is each having an alt. With leveling as a group, and rested XP, that could provide chances to change it up rather than feel locked into one character because that’s what the group requires.

It would also give your group more room to mix and match based on what seems more needed at any point in time, or to help one or another player in a specific dungeon.