Title. Thinking about leveling an alt and learning a new class to help friends get to 1800-2100 in 2s/3s.
What do you think is most consistent class/spec to achieve it?
I was leaning towards feral or WW.
Both seem really capable of securing kills/win conditions without a heavy reliance on CDs or misplays from enemy and feral seems to have really good sustained damage/pressure and good self heals/1v1 potential in cross kill situations.
Historically, you’re in the right place - mage.
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Mage is pretty heavily reliant on CDs and enemy inexperience.
Even fire with how strong it is right now I can’t imagine carrying low XP people or 1v2 a DPS/Healer in 2s at a rating where people know how to react and press buttons.
Even xaryu who is crazy with the 2v2 carries and reading the scripted gameplay I’ve never seen him attempt to carry a variety of specs or pull 1v2s vs competant DPS/Heal combos or double DPS vs certain specs.
He usually sticks to rogue carries because he can coach a rogue on what to do to and how to setup.
ww/rogue/mage prolly, anything with highish mobility and big burst combined with the ability to reset.
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Mage is dog against any hybrid unless there happens to be no pillar within a mile.
lol mage hasn’t been able to 2v1 for a few expansions now (assuming non-noob mmr)
Rogue mage ww is the answer because high damage, mobility and cc. They can cc one target and burst the other. Keep in mind 1v2 is never easy and you will only routinely accomplish stuff like that if you are experienced with a class, you will not do a 1v2 regularly as a fotm reroller.
Thats why I was leaning more towards Feral or WW they both have decent enough support utility/peels. Nothing in realm of rets but with their mobility, sustained damage and or healing I feel like a high level of experience on them puts them further ahead then most classes.
As a mage even the most basic feral with resto affinity or enh/ele/spriest can be extremely difficult to beat in a 1v1 or 1v2 situation. Very competent ones and the odds look very grim without severe misplays on their part like running a mile away from pillar/healer vs a mage with all cds.
Warrior also seems like they can get job done well enough right now too as well. I see plenty of warrs selling carries though im not sure how succesfully or in how many games.
I will admit learning feral seems like a daunting task, to get to point where you routinely 1v2 livegod or pull off wild setups and get comfortable with using cat and bear form and popping out to CC/Offheal fluidly
play dk and we can be frands again
again?? your unfriending me bc im vulp now??
I hope you stub your pinky toe really hard or bang your elbow on a doorway
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I hope you step on a bunch of leggos
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I hope you accidently drink curdled milk
Fire mage with triune ward
unless the enemy has a purge nothing you can really do against that, assuming low mmr because thats always where 1v2’s work
after that probly windwalker, pop cd’s karma into 1 guy kill him run til cd’s are back up gg
1v2s in general kinda are.
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