Best 1v1 class/spec

Let me get this out of the way now: I know that dueling and 1v1 “doesn’t matter” in a sense. However, I find it enjoyable, and I would like to have a class that excels at it. I already play a healer.

My only requested stipulation is not to list tank or healing specs. Even if they excel at 1v1, I’d like to play a DPS spec.

Now I’ve heard that Unholy DK, Rogues (especially Sub), Enhancement Shaman, WW Monk, Havoc DH (only with Demonic Appetite, which no one seems to get), and Demonology/Destruction Warlocks are all good in 1v1 situations.

If a class/spec depends on a race to excel (e.g. Dark Iron Dwarf / Dwarf Arms Warrior > other races thanks to removing debuffs to enable Second Wind) I’d consider that a completely viable answer as well.

One last caveat: I know this is impossible to predict, but if the class seems to have a stable future ahead of it instead of probably being next in line to get nerfed, I’d love to know.

I really appreciate any responses I get. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to list multiple classes and/or specs!

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Rogue always best 1v1. Can reset fights if needed much easier than any other spec.

While sin is good now, sub is often fantastic in the open world too. So you’ve got one or the other with outlaw as an option if you want to.


Agreed, rogue is even more deadly if you play any dwarf, stoneskin+vanish guarantees almost 100% reset by removing bleeding.


Great news! Nothing in this game matters! So you’re all good!


You just helped me to decide the next character to level. Haven’t played her in PvP since Legion but she has a built in taunt that makes people keep coming back. Maybe it’s they don’t want to be beat by a little girl but I think it’s probably her voice. Hah, Hiyyyah.


fistweaver is very good. i know you said no healing spec, but they are a dps that happens to have very strong heals.


Def a Blood DK.


In arena rogue or feral. Open world sp beats everything

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Marksmanship. Just like it was the X-Wing being the craft that destroyed the Death Star, this was the class/spec that obtained a world-first record of 2,500 HKs in cities.

Rogues are excellent too, but its strengths are the same as its weaknesses. Rogue is nothing without its cooldowns, but Hunters are always ready to go(you don’t really have to wait on anything to play your best). Hunters can break combat faster than Rogues and have superior nondetection.

There is a caveat that if you take the MM path, you’re going to have to learn how to fight dirty. Dishonesty is the best policy in battle.


Assassination warrior.


I love aerial combat on raist, trying to spot them without their spotting me then flying in with the sun behind me and dropping on an instant cast curse to slow them at the edge of spell range. I’ve killed many a retadin causing troubles in Outlands in that manner, but the only time I’ve had one switch to an alt to apologize for doing what he did when I flagged on him was on my bdk.

Survival and feral well played are pretty good.

@slendyman - When you say open world do you mean standing their and trading haymakers? Classes with resets and kiting would be able to beat an SP depending on the skill of who’s involved as well as the terrain.

Also tanks do have an edge in regards to that and well it should be hard for a lot of dps to “lose” to a healer, though they might have issues killing some.

Monk <3 <3

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I wish, but a well geared WW is a fearsome thing.


I love my WW and he’s fearsome, but in open world without pillars, a good player can kite them pretty well.


Rogue. 100%. Blizzard always favors them and they always seem to destroy everyone 1v1 (If you’re good). Rogues are so good they can kill you quick or torture you with a slow death.


Unholy if they have army. If not, rogue or feral.

Brewmaster counters rogues to a really enjoyable degree.


Rogue is always the answer.

Join the Rogue ranks and roll sub, you wont regret it.

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