Berserk finally got buffed! - Latest beta build

In way too many posts I have done over the years, many people ignore the point of a post and enforce their, either more limited or more broad, view of the subject.

And yeah, you have confirmed something I was curious about, but have not had the time to check.

Berserk increases the damage of small hits. The problem is that, while it can help get more combo spenders off, and do more damage, you are still limited by energy.

If you are unlucky with crits, you are out of energy before the first ferocious bite.

The actual text of berzerk says it just allows rake and shred to hit like you are in stealth, and you get a 20% chance per combo point to generate 1 cp, so one per 5cp fb. Its swung hard from the old zerk being endless energy go ham, to no energy and a few abilities.

TBF i dont have the lvl54 upgrade which gives shred an extra cp from stealth, so you will get a significant cp bump from that, where you can potentially be casting a full 5cp fb every 2 shreds, but energy will still be an issue.

The lvl58 berzerk will supposedly also give another cp when you 5cp fb, so you will quickly be into, 1shred(+3cp on crit) 1fb(+2cp from berzerk), repeat, territory.

That might mean haste will have more value with Berserk, but less value with Incarnation.

I can confirm it does, just tested it. It feels weird because you technically dont need to stealth for your opener anymore.

The fresh lvl 60 template they offer has incredibly bad stats. Somewhere around 15% crit right out of the gate. Gonna try some legendary / soulbind / conduit combinations to help remedy that.

Weird i dont have that, only lvl50 templates.

Try the Torghast realm. Was added on Wednesday.

I want to see how this plays out with the new bloodtalons. Because as it stand… you’re required to use 3 abilities to activate BT. All these extra combo points granted from crits is inconsequential due to the required, no… FORCED rotation needed for BT.

Yay… I’m capped on CP! Time to bite! Nope. Computer says no.

Let’s not get crazy. Hunters sometimes have bears as pets. :wink:

It boggles my mind every time I see someone compare Berserk to Wings, and completely neglect the fact that we have Tiger’s Fury, a 15% damage amp on a mere 30s cool down.

30 second cooldown?

You mean 70-100% uptime?
Predator says hi.

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I don’t think many use Predator sadly, I enjoy it a lot more than Saber tooth < really want my Feral Execute back.

This is kinda what came to my mind mentally. So I really hope Blizz keeps an eye on this change and continues to work with feedback.

Xfingers for Beta access to get some testing done.

Its the best pick in dungeon content, and really everything outside of raiding. Even some raid fights its a solid pick, like vexiona with the constant add stream. Get those juicy resets and you are like a constantly adrenaline rushing rogue.

The fact you weren’t even testing it at level 60 and you not only wrote your initial (now even more obviously flawed) analysis, but then bothered to quote and reply to so many of my sentences is really frustrating I must say mate. With all due respect I was never calling out your initial post but rather providing further insight. But the fact you have gone to such lengths to question how I got more than 2 bites in during the zerk window while you were not only testing it without the extra combo point from finishers at 58 and the extra CP from shred stealth at 54 really makes you look silly. I will now be calling you Mittens from hereon, a name I feel is more fitting for you.

Because everything you’ve said is invalid now, I shouldn’t even bother quoting all your replies, so I’ll limit them. But I hope Mittens you are now aware, after subsequent other replies to you, that new Berserk is much better than you assume and were so eager to debate.

I never said otherwise, if you read my post, it says ‘zerk should scale better the later the xpac goes,’ because as a CD in its current form it becomes weaker as our energy regen improves.

It is good, as shown above your analysis is flawed without the Shred/Zerk higher ranks and you not factoring in many other things such as Rake, Lust, etc.

First of all, that line discussing Bloodlust was perfectly relevant given the fact Mittens assumed new Berserk was far weaker than it is. Secondly, it can’t be a ‘worst case scenario’ if he fails to factor in so many mechanics of the ability and interactions with other abilities; please see the top part of this post since you are so interested in backing up someone who’s analysis was far more flawed than his initial post that he presented, rather foolishly, before us.