Benthic system is to PVE as ____ is to PVP

What about a pvp vendor existing before decreased your experience?


It provided a linear path to gearing. It was straight forward and non rng dependent.

If I decided to make my hpal a ret in week 10, I could do so. Now I either farm a pve dungeon over and over hoping for a 2h sword drop or I continually pvp for and hopes of rng to give me a 2h sword.

In the past I could just walk up to a vendor and buy a 2h sword.


One way treats me like a toddler while the other allows me to make the decision of what I want.


Claiming making a coding change is “EZ” is what people who don’t code say. Also grats on your weapon. Nothing you ever get now or in any previous xpac from a conquest vender would ever top M10 gear.

Now you get it week 1 from the current system and don’t have to wait weeks to earn the conquest cap.

which is part of the problem. again read the post below…

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Seriously you need to reread my comment because you really didn’t.

Starting to believe you are trolling us all now.


You might want to think about what you just said. The most toxic playerbases are always PvP games.

i’d rather EARN, then just be handed something based off rng. I don’t think you understand the feeling of earning something versus the feeling of here you go :hugs:
Also maybe I don’t even want a weapon 1st week. Maybe I want a trinket to replace a 375 one, because my wep is still decent considering.

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There are PVP vendors, even in Naz they are there. not far from the portals. It would be simple for them to add pvp gear for currency.

Ditto. Stating a subjective opinion as an objective one?

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Go to youtube and look up wow rage and toxicity and then come back to revise your statement.


Lol how is “earning” conquest to buy gear different from the current system of “earning” conquest to be rewarded gear? I feel like I have moved into bizzaro world. Moving on. Enjoy the PvP system and if you want to gear up alts spend an hour in the new zone. Clearly people are missing my earlier comment of PvP never having been used to gear up alts via playing a diffrent toon.

Yes and you missed the comment about calling for change. Apparently none of that is allowed. Earning a piece that I choose is far better than “earning” a piece that a blizzard equation of rng gives me. If you fail to see the difference and how it impacts the MAJORITY of pvp player base then oh well. :v:


Think you may have already been there.

Earning the conquest to choose your pieces > a system that chooses the gear for you.

You just aren’t even reading their posts.


PVP has been pretty bad this expansion seeing as though some of our BiS pieces are raid gear that we can’t even obtain. Such a rogue not being able to get Diamond Laced Refracting Prism in season 2… This is just delusional talk


It is objective. Name a PvP game that has a good friendly playerbase.

I’m just proud of my mog and name combination. Oh ur lvl 55 rofl. If that’s ur main then lmao

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Does that invalidate their comment? It’d be different if they were trolling…

In some cases it most certainly does. There used to be a guy on here who would make a thread and make posts throughout that thread supporting his opinion on a bunch of alts.