Is there a reason to do this for pvp? or no? i hate doing campaigns lol
You’ll need to do the first half hour or so on one character just to have access to the extra spark quest but I think that’s it for the purposes of PvP?
Also the questline offers the noodle dragonriding mount which looks neato. Obviously not tied to power, though, lmao.
what is the extra spark quest for?
It just lets you turn a spark fragment in for a full spark every other week or something, and you need the sparks to craft gear for this patch, kind of like how we needed sparks of ingenuity for our 424 crafted pieces last season.
Again, though, it’s like 30 minutes once per account.
Sorry, craft gear? Is this for set bonuses or something else entirely?
Is this even needed?
Embellishments like Precog come from crafting gear
Thanks so muich guys!!``
Sure. If you do any sort of PvP that awards a strongbox you’ll get a little green quest item that will be redeemable at the conquest vendor for two 450 pvp ilev crafting tokens, which when combined with a shadowflame spark will allow you to whip up a piece of 450 pvp crafted gear.
I think I get more info from Kenny than I do from Blizz….
Factual statement
I thought the quest was one time only unless I’m misunderstanding?
Oh, is it? Maybe we just get enough fragments passively or something.
I didnt find it hard tbh takes some reading, but you read the comment here so…
It’s one time only, you then get half a spark per week and combine them for one spark every two weeks.
Oh, right, we’d have gotten one this week if it were every other week. Not sure why I was expecting it. Anyways, yeah, the one fragment from something like the weekly PVP quests is nice.
Anyways, I still think they should do the 20-30 minute intro.
Oh yeah, for the easy 20 min intro you still get that free half spark, definitely worth it.