Benediction now medium population

Currently benediction is now a medium populated server while faerlina has stayed at high population. I’m assuming a lot of people are transferring to faerlina before cata. People think racials matter when they’re not even in a top 50 server guild.

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At some point in retails run horde got the fame of better pve. Cata I am told is the official retail start. Or was it tbc…lol.

Even for the dreaded 3 letters….lfr.

Some truth is there. As a retail lfr hero myself in the past by 2-3 weeks in horde lfr runs were waaaaay smoother than alliance runs. When I had nightmare lfr runs…it was usually as alliance.

By bfa even even the “op” night elf racial was only really useful in say mdi (mythic dungeon invitational) . Mythic runners with sklll worked shadowmeld well. Many non mdi pros however could not lol.


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that’s called common sense, if you think saying factual things is unhinged, you need to go outside, you people are hard of hearing, have to speak louder, maybe it will reach the peanut sized brain you people have on the forums.

Calm down my dude.

I think typing in ALL CAPS run on sentences is unhinged. Are you 8 years old or just massively drunk?

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I think cata will inject heaps of players back in. Large amounts of people already seem to be over SoD.

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Phase 1 was actually pretty lit. The overall sweatiness was very low. Every phase it has gotten worse and worse. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when people hit 60.

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The sweatiness could be easily solved by Blizzard if they disabled advanced combat log exporting.

always have and always will. just like back in Classic if you weren’t a dwarf priest or human rogue/warrior you were just trolling the group

You mad bro?

Its a sidegame to a lot of players and it requires main game energy.

A lot of stuff is neat and cool concepts but i dont have the energy for it.


Looking at the trends it is likely people leaving Whitemane to go to Faerlina.

“Medium” and “High” and “Full” are all tags Blizzard puts on realms based on their own numbers. Wrath “Medium” would have been TBC “Full” and maybe they raised the numbers even higher for Cata. The SoD servers are absolutely huge relative to Wrath numbers and heavily phased. Cata they look to be doing the same thing – wanting to merge pops and increase server caps and phasing.

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Even if they don’t use it to it’s fullest, being noticeably worse just because of your race feels bad.

Pagle has surpassed Benediction. Benediction has fallen confirmed. It totally won’t reverse when cata actually comes out.

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i refuse to believe pve’ers are transferring to a 100/0 server, to the 0 side, just for racials to parse with. is that really the case? oh my bad they’re race changing too? derp

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imo racial is about PVP , who cares about racial in guilld pve content ?

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why would people go east and have 200 latency … nonsense !

literally all the high end raiders? like did you just skip over all the “priest = dwarf and warrior/rogues = human for their racials” threads in classic, or ever pay attention to any sort of RWF (Race to World First, the race to see who beats the new mythic raids when they get released on retail) and how each time they always stack certain races to edge out extra 1% dps?

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