…for every other server who just wants to casually BG when they have some time.
I’m assuming they go so hard because wpvp doesnt exist on their server but I am sure there are other reasons but anytime I battleground against benediction, my team is full of undergeared casual players while the entire benediction team is often a full premade popping 50g worth of consumes a match in full s4.
These arent rated BGs but fighting against benediction sure makes it feel like it is.
My suggestion is to give benediction their own battlegroup, maybe with Faerlina so both mega pvp 1 sided servers can be sweaty tryhards together.
There are a lot of people on Benediction to where just seeing a bunch of Benediction doesn’t mean it’s a premade.
However there is a Benediction premade discord, and if they are moving and “feel like” a premade they probably are. If they don’t play all that well and don’t work as a team well they probably aren’t.
When you only have like 3 major servers, it kinda makes sense that most of the people you see are from one of them. People want to find groups so they can do content. When you are pooling from just your own servers players to do something, it makes sense to play on a mega one instead of a small or medium, or even ‘‘high’’ population one.
Makes sense. There’s no cross realm for PvE content, so everyone adapted and just flooded onto one realm per faction. Player made solution, sorta. Grob is about the same, but caters to people who actually want world pvp I think. Nobody actually RP’s on that server, well except for this blood elf with a purple hat I saw slow walking down the road in the barrens, or the ten tuaren corpses that litter the ally AH entrance named ‘‘Glittercow’’, ‘‘Annoyingcow’’, etc.
Well, now you’re bringing up the Pagle premade hiding under a bridge memories.
Although I did hear about there being some good Pagle team later. In AB a few of my ranking friends would share that the Pagle team would pretend to not be playing and people would be sitting at their spawn or whatever assuming they were all dead and bam, Pagle took all 5 flags at once and won. They called it the Pagle strat or something… and they started counting or looking at the scoreboard for how many of them they killed.
For the most part, you are right though. Based on what I saw.
I remember something like that, but I had it done to me from the alliance in general; where they would be losing a game, then they lulled you into a false sense of security and suddenly 5 capped you.
Give it a few weeks until people realize the joy of twinking becoming a thing again. Its why low level BGs are dead right now, and once the initial launch hype fades and people get fed up of being owned with twinks, they’ll die again.
People will do them for the quests and wait until they can get into AV where exp is actually pretty good and honor rolls in faster. WSG? I’m not thinking so.
Not gonna lie, my level 19 rogue had over 100k hk’s, and master of AB and master of WSG achievments back in wrath. We had a huge guild with over 200 twinks in it, and yes, we would actually do premade vs premade tourneys sometimes, but when not doing tournaments we would do pugs and stomp a lot. There was real money involved too in the yearly twink cups. People prepped for months, had voice chat and 100 percent BIS gear along with choosing the best racials and professions.
I also leveled my main, a rogue ofc, entierely through bg’s and had enough honor to get a bunch of gear as soon as I dinged 80. When not twinking, sometimes I would spend my weekends drinking and just doing random bg’s on my main, got over 100k hk’s on him too.
I used to like to wander duskwood on my 19 rogue sometimes in between queues. The gy area that turns dark when you enter it was very fun to gank at. I was undead too so it kinda fit, taking up for the undead mobs there. Even got someone a few times within the tomb underground, he was probably like wtf is this guy even doing here.
Solo BG experience has always been a 50/50 of complete crapshoot or somewhat fun.
If you sit in shatt on benediction you will find atleast 2-3 groups running all day constantly having openings with a minimum of 300 resilience. Anybody else on benediction just goes to AV.