Benediction Horde - Come to Grobb

Just looked and its now 61/39.

uh oh!

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Is Grobbulus going to have a thread just like this soon?

Grobbulus overtaken by alliance - horde don’t transfer here (megathread)

No! Never give up … NEVER surrender.

Fight for your home Grobbulus. Good luck and Godspeed.


Horde have better PvP AND PvE racials??


This isn’t breaking news.

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Have you read berserking and blood fury

Now it’s clear you’re just trolling to keep bumping your sky is falling agenda. What I wrote 6 days ago:

“A bunch of horde guilds moved from Deviate in the past couple of weeks that helped move the split from 63/37 to 61/39 so it’s moving in the right direction”

So what do you mean, just looked and it’s 61/39? It’s been 61/39. As many others have posted, Grobb has stayed at approx 60/40 since almost the beginning of classic.


i was on herod horde and the horde population is down to 3k (with no alliance)

I tranfered to bene horde which is 3k horde 20 k alliance so at least theres some ally to kill in world pvp

enjoying it so far

Yes, they’re both dumpstered by Diplomacy.

Better pve for sure, but ally are better for pvp in the heavy rogue meta we have.

According to the ladders for 3v3 out of the top 100 teams 68 of them are horde.

Sure 1v1 rogue VS rogue human might edge out assuming the human gets the opener, but in a 3v3 setting the combined horde racials are overall stronger.

That being said its no shock that horde are the majority faction with better pvp and pve racials.

If you look at racials individually they arent very good for Alliance for pvp.

Escape Artist can be resisted and remove nothing.

Perception can also lead to nothing, as even with it you still might not land an opener.

Stoneform is ok to remove bleeds/poisons but again not that game changing, except for priests, its hands down the best racial for all priests.

Goats are trash.

Nightelfs…yeah nothing needs to be said.

Blood Fury is 282 Attack power and stun resist along with 5% pet damage.

Troll is massive haste.

Undead is WOTF which most arena comps will have a fear.

Blood Elf is decent for rets as they dont have any interupt without it.

Horde racials seem to lean towards offense while Alliance lean towards defense.

Id rather be an undead over human and the ladders dictate that aswell

In the top 10 3v3 the Alliance has 3 teams in that spot and they dont even play with a rogue.


We’ve gotten to a point where getting a reliable rogue v rogue opener is so inconsistent that having WoTF just wins out more often then not.

Every warlock team just chickens and runs across the arena preventing any type of sap. If the human RMP doesn’t get everything on that first go they usually just lose because of WoTF

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No. Diplomacy outweighs any and all meager DPS boosts from activated racials that end up getting out-performed by consumeables on a spreadsheet. Reducing the entierty of PvE down to comabt as a means for racial evaluation is a fool’s errand.

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Can’t tell if trolling or you actually believe 10% rep rewards offer any dps increase or anything meaningful at all??

What happens when you’re exalted?? Racial stops working.

Blood Fury never stops giving 282 attack power on use and doesn’t have a shard CD with consumes so idk want you’re even trying to say.


People also forget that the server locking was temporary due to the crazyness of 2020’s covid lockdowns AND AQ gates looming ahead. Blizz did not want people transferring from the bigger servers with banks full of AQ gate opening mats to game the system on a smaller pop server.

Still wish they locked the bigger servers for longer and more often but alas.

Also seeing yall argue about pvp meta races and class combos makes me laugh. Sure UD rogue is meta due to racial but this is an RP server and rp rules>sweaty pvp rules as rogues (and Warlocks) are the Forsaken RP BiS.

Undead warlock.


Drooler’s jaw randomly fails mid conversation. What’s not to like?

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I am the GM of a Tauren-only guild that was formed in 2007. We’ve managed to survive in one form or another on a couple of low-pop servers despite the fact we are a niche guild.

Community is why.

Not every server survives forever. We rolled on DD and had two outstanding years with a community that really did build the sort of server we wanted to play on. The collapse of the population that precipitated our recent move to Grobb was the ending of a hugely rewarding and unique experience that will be hard to replicate. While I do wish DD was still going strong, I wouldn’t trade that time spent for anything. I’ll take 2 years in a close-knit community where everyone cared over 10 on a server where no one even gives a fork.

When it became apparent that the population was going critical, we had a huge summit of players and talked it out. Not all went the same way, but we parted friends with a great deal of respect. We successfully drew the curtain on a great stage and took our bow.

My round-about point is that where ever you roll, go into that community invested in it’s success. Recruit decent people and make the environment one of support and respect. You are spending all this money and time, why sh-t in your own nest and act toxic? Supportive players can also be competitive once you realize that someone else’s loss isn’t always your gain.

Stop trying to figure out which server has a 1% better chance of surviving and start playing. Go meet some folks on these servers and take a chance that if you put a little effort into a community, it might just work out and you might also discover you are having the (game) time of your life.

Will Thunderhoof Tribe survive this move to Grobb? I don’t know. Maybe Grobb 2 years from now will be dead. Doesn’t matter really–right now I am playing for it to work, and will continue to try and make where ever I play, and whomever I am playing with worth the time invested. For however long it lasts. From what I have seen in the 6 weeks or so we have been here, it’s got some great people and guilds.

So come to Grobb, Horde. Find some good people worth playing with–we did.

Come to Grobb not because the others servers suck, are dying, or anything like that. Come here because there are a few of us who do give forks and will try and help those who come here to build and maintain.

We all write our own stories, so let’s get busy.


Grobb horde have fight. They take back the towers and Halaa quite frequently and show up to WPVP.

They regularly kick ally around. It’s amazing.


All he does is pop up in forums and poop on everyone.

Dude got burned hard somewhere, IRL or in game.

Hope he finds his fun again.


I would not be surprised as some of our PVPers are savages and will dumpster people in BGs/arenas.

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