Grobb was close to an even split before Alliance fleeing their failed pvp servers piled into Grobb. Both sides wanted transfers closed as the guilds that came in were absolute low quality.
Most didn’t respect RP, would harass RPers and cause issues. While a lot of Hardcore RPers left, the server retains a lot of RPers who still do events and all that. RP still goes on but it’s a big server so it’s not always out there in the open but you’ll see it.
Horde on Grobb isn’t going anywhere and most Alliance won’t bug them anyways. I play Alliance on Grobb, I don’t bother Horde, I’ll fight if they bug me but other than that I don’t care and neither do most Alliance players.
I got chewed out by you and that other poster on the other thread by mentioning parsing and you both stated it’s all about mechanics not parsing but here it is again… I’m not even going to disagree with you totally about RPers and raid performance. I’m just saying that this isn’t even the topic of the thread.
That’s totally ok.
#1 Nobody wants you as an alliance player or your alliance guild on Grobbulus. Look at the post right above this one. #2 You are excited to go to Benediction because you are excited to “shed the dead weight” and somehow pick up the talent that one of the 100 Benediction guilds who are “better” than your guild is currently has overlooked.
Anyway, hopefully, when you transfer over to Benediction you can get exactly what you’re looking for.
This thread is about RP, server community, and World PVP. It’s just offering an alternative option to horde who are looking for those things. The vast majority of Benediction horde will already go to Faerlina for the safe EST server choice regardless of any forum thread.
Haven’t played for a month or so but I had no problem at that time in the world as Horde on Grobb. You either can pick fights or not, rarely do the Alliance bully you.
Every kind of community has different calibers of players. I’ve seen some exceptional players that compete at the highest level on Emerald Dream in the past, and some that hardly clear LFR. Grobbulus is pretty much the same
Hardly call parsing a fair assumption of someone’s skill in TBC. Most classes are 2 buttons and are mostly just relied on unfair factors like group comp, consumables and your raid’s kill speed.
Grobbulus Alliance is fairly passive from what I’ve noticed, the faction ratio might be a major problem when Sunwell is out but at the moment it’s hardly an inconvenience for the Horde here.
Yep. Only times i’ve seen Ally been hyper-aggressive was during day 1 clears vs the Horde and the cursed Coilfang summoning stone during tuesdays around 4pm-5pm server time. But even then the place clears out quick once horde wakes up for their raids around 5:30-6pm. A 2 times corpserun to get into coilfang is nothing major really.
My guild is definitely my community but so was my server. Benediction had life from the time we transferred over in P3 Classic to P1 TBC. Guild and players had reputations. It felt alive. So yes my guild is my community but that doesn’t make losing the server community any less sad. It breathed life into the game being on a big enough server to supply good players to do what you want but small enough that you ran into people you knew all the time from both factions.
Sure you can say “if you didn’t see this coming you must be new”. Seems like an odd thing to say but yes, retail ended up this way for a reason. Did I expect it to never happen? No but im still sad it is.
Also my raid (one of 2 in the guild) will be moving to Faerlina once a few transfer cooldowns are over. It’s clear Faer/Whitemane are the new Illidan/Area-52
Plenty of us understand. Many have been through it. There are people on here who don’t get why server community stuff matters but plenty of us do.
Most of us who went into TBCC from Classic didn’t think that almost every server community was going to be destroyed with 6 months to the point where the game feels way more like Retail with a TBC skin than TBC the original.
The OP just brought up a different option. You are doing what you think is best for your guild so hopefully it all works out for you guys.
It’s a scholarship. Contract. I’m afraid that I’m a server, a server, an imbalance, and a mournful death.
Immediate use Other imbalance, Yuichi Itaya Great WPVP Waichi Great company. The server of the server, the server, and the service equipment have been completed.
I love wpvp I’m just not naive enough to not understand why world pvp dies.
It died in original tbc as well, which is why most people hate flying mounts.
The expanses start to naturally steer away from world pvp.
Not sure how y’all are so blind to that, how can world pvp ever be the same as it was in vanilla/Classic when we have flying mounts and the gold per hour of farming in the world is the lowest way of making gold.
It’s honestly a surprise to me as well how people manage to still be bad at a game with 2 buttons and 3 boss mechanics, but it happens. That isn’t really a problem exclusive to Grob and/or roleplayers, but really just the playerbase as a whole.
People don’t have the patience to teach those players what they are doing wrong and usually they end up getting carried by the others without ever improving. It’s why many guilds struggled on KT/Vashj, not only because the bosses were difficult, but it’s not fights you can simply ignore mechanics and carry damage on.
I haven’t played Retail in a long time, but after seeing what they did with class design in Legion and how it almost immediately made all the hardcore PVPers quit. I believe you
Mmm, Charax rating bashing. You scorned people for doing it back in MoP, I see that was just simply a charade now
I know im bias when it comes to PVP, but I’m much more impressed with someone being high rated in Wrath/Cata than someone who got it in shadowlands.
So many different factors that made PVP more difficult for it’s time(class knowledge and design, wasn’t any big arena streamers you could just watch, a bigger variety of skilled players, and gladiator being the top 0.5%) If I still played retail, I’d trade in my rating for a chance of getting a wrathful tabard or cata elite set any day of the week
Yeah world PvP won’t be the same it was in Vanilla/classic, that’s a given and I don’t think anyone will disagree with you there. However world PVP was still very popular on some servers despite flying mounts for years and it was a really unique experience (Emerald Dream again being the main example). It was community driven and I very much believe it can be recreated again if we keep the population balance even.
We aren’t delusional, just hopeful
If you are curious for proof, you can search Welcome to emerald dream on youtube and you’ll probably find a few fossils in there worth watching
I spend 75% of my play time picking fights while farming ore/clouds in several zones. Grobb has active wpvp if you look for it. Terok towers and halla are always changing owners. Skirmishes in heavily farmed areas break out and ambushes are always a threat during group quests. There are only a couple guilds on each side that organize larger wpvp raids and events.
For the most part, both factions have a “I wont start fights but ill definitely finish them” kind of attitude. Guilds from east and west time zones will briefly control raid summon areas depending on their schedules but its never one side controlling it all night.
The important thing to realize is that Grobb is literally the last americas pvp server with anything resembling healthy faction balance. If that changes then there will be nowhere left to experience this unique aspect of classic WoW. Say what you want about making safe bets on mega servers but how badly must you hate the game to try to discourage horde from transferring here to preserve the last bastion of true two-faction gameplay.
It is currently the healthiest balance available.
When is the line crossed that makes it hopeless? 55/45?, 70/30?
Can a balanced wow server even exist in this generation of gamers?
If Grobb goes we will have the answer.
While the 2:1 alliance ratio is noticeable on Grobbulus, the horde population is quite healthy and stable. During T5 progression, alliance controlled the entrance to SSC about the same amount as horde despite the numbers advantage. It’s more about alliance guilds transferring to grobbulus that has caused the problems rather than horde leaving to other servers.
If Blizzard halted alliance transfers to grobbulus, the server would be fine. And alliance transferred to Grobbulus because it was one of the few pvp servers with a balanced population when most were horde dominated. Grobbulus was somewhat saved probably due to it being an RP server. If it weren’t an RP server, I’m guessing more alliance would have flocked there. It’s Blizzard fault for not managing transfers better.