Beneath the Skin spawn rates

Respawn rates of the infected creatures on the draenei heritage questline are not enough to support the amount of people doing this quest. It’s difficult to get tags in when they do spawn and the drop rate isn’t 100% on the quest item. I understand the quest was just released so the area is more populated, but if the spawn rate could scale based on number doing the quest at one time it would be improved. Thankfully people in the area grouped up into small parties to help each other finish more quickly.


At this rate its probably a 4 hour quest

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I mean honestly its unacceptable. The drop rate should not be RNG at all, and the spawn rate is abysmal. This needs to be hotfixed yesterday.

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Agreed. It took me a while to finally even get one kill, so imagine my surprise when the item never even dropped. I’ve killed 4 now, and it took a ridiculous amount of time to find and tag that many… and still at 0/8 of the quest items.

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For those trying to deal with this, group up and stick to a location near 3-5 spawns and you can finish this in about 15 min. Its still terrible and needs to be fixed but until it is, this is a decent solution

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This is almost impossible to do on a higher pop server. Please fix this ASAP.

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