Bene queue has started *popcorn ready*

No, a lot of servers are still dead.

Meanwhile there is a server with 17k people to spare.

The real reason blizzard wont do anything about server que is because it free money for them, all they have to do is wait it out.

all the pvp servers are getting lopsided by the free xfers and then it creates dead servers people have to pay to get off of if you’re on the wrong faction. blizz just moving their problems elsewhere when they just need to fix bene

You should compare those threads to queue threads and see which one has significantly more attention. Using your brain is hard I guess.

Benediction ended up becoming the go to destination when Faerlina became overwhelmingly Horde. Many people played on Benediction before that, and now have a choice between transferring to a dead realm Blizzard chose (after shutting down several other dead servers no one had any intention of moving to) or waiting in queue.

Why would I do that?

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