We are in current need of dps and a resto shaman, resto druid or disc priest. We are 10/10N 8/10H and looking to build our roster for Mythic progression. We are also looking for people to actively push M+ keys as well!. We currently raid Sunday and Wednesday 6:30-9:30 server time. (9:30-12:30 EST)
Hey, I’d like to chat. Shadow#11903
Hey, I am Interested, Taj149#1436 Prot/Ret Pally. Let me know.
Bump because we need more bodies!
Our current needs are a tank and still looking for exceptional dps. We are 10/10N 3/10H and looking for people to actively push M+ keys as well!
Currently looking for more raiders soon, looking to expand our roster for Heroic Nathria with intent of moving onto Mythic
still looking for a resto shaman and more dps for heroic Nathria progression
More than ever we need dps to round out our raid team!
I’d be interested, have need for shadow priest? Psypunk#1521
Ellanny, I’d be interested, raid times work for me, let me know if guild recruiting shadow priest. Psypunk#1521
Looking for 1-2 healers and all dps to move into mythic progression soon!
Need DPS to move into mythic raiding