Belt not displaying on characters in game

Since the pre-patch update, my belts are not displaying on some of my characters within game.

If i toggle the belt off/on, or change to a different belt,… the belt then becomes visible.
But if I log out and back in again, the belt has disappeared again, (until I toggle it off/on again).
The same happens if I change form, aka on my druid, when I got back to nightelf form I cannot see the belt on my character. It seems to play up somewhat when I’m putting on tabards too, (but only some). I have tried ‘scan and repair’ and ‘check for updates’ from Battlenet, and also deleted the WTF and Cache folders but the problem still persists. I’m not sure whats going on but its somewhat frustrating.


Posting just to say I am having the same issue, and have spoken to others on my realm who are also having this issue. Doesn’t seem to be related to addons.


Posting here to confirm I’m having the same issue.


Same here. Gotta fix it.


Having the same issue here. Anyone know of a fix?


I’m also having this issue. Been goin’ on ever since the client switched names to TBC classic.

It’s happening even when I don’t have any addons enabled at all – I don’t think addons are the problem.


Same here, no belt being displayed on character screen for all characters and in game after logging in. The stats are still applied however so its purely aesthetic.

Also capped 60fps in character screen is gross, please increase this.


Any updates @ Bliz? … plz more bumps if this is occurring for you.


Where my dang belt? :open_mouth:


Also having this issue. would like a fix


Same issue plz fix


I am having the same issue, might not be crucial for playing the game but IT IS A BIG DEAL, where`s my beeelt


Same here belt not showing and disappearing with my tabard on, when I mount, when I fly, etc. You’d think with this many people having this issue since pre-patch blizzard would do a quick hot fix but no lets just leave it broken!!! If you worked in ATC and planes only showed up on radar sometimes or you have to turn it on and back off to work. You wouldn’t leave it like that you would fix the problem. FIX YOUR BROKEN, BUGGIE, EMBARASSING TO WHAT IT ONCE WAS GAME. YOU ARE BACKED BY ACTIVISON YOU ARENT SOME INDIE DEVS!!!


Reporting in,
I reinstalled the Bnet App and WoW TBC. Doesn’t work.
Another aspect of this bug is that sometimes it also remove all the layers of gear that approaches the waist area. (tabard, shirts, armor… and even part of the underwear, wtf.)
I am getting tired of starring at my belf sexy belly. I mean, come on blizzard… this is lame.

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Still a problem, suprised no one has looked into this yet doesn’t seem like a big deal to fix

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Might be fixed in the patch next week

I’m sure that fix is coming soon… any day now, really.

Thread posted May 21. Other threads posted about this.

And yet, it goes unresolved. GJ Bliz!

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I found that using the non tbc tabards like your guild tabard etc cause this problem while the newer tabards don’t make the belt disappear every time your character loads. I’ve been using the blood knight tabard from the paladin mount quest and it doesn’t disappear anymore.

Samesies. Can we get an update please, Blizz?