Below average pvp ratings in 2s and shuffle
participation and awful balancing
2s basically died the final death once shuff came out in DF, also why would anyone willingly want to q the BM hunter/feral druid/rogue bracket, especially right now lol
Shuffle is starting to inflate to me, some of my bad friends are close to 2.4 already, even on alts they are terrible at.
Kennie told me 2400 is about average right now so anything under that is BELOW
I don’t get the point of this post bro. U asking what are below average ratings?
No Dozer post has ever had a point.
Drustvar shows that’s not the case.
I think they’re trying to say you can be rating, let’s say 1400 and still get matched with fresh 1000 or below ratings.
I was playing between 2-2.1k and the queues were popping off, and I only got the same team once out of 15 games? I was somewhat surprised.