Half the Playerbase is gone?

Most of mine are from Humble Bundles for games that were bundled with a game I wanted to play, but I do have a few games in my library that I’ve paid full price for and haven’t touched outside of a few half hour sessions.

Valheim is the most recent one.

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They’re not bleeding out though. The subs are spiking up with each expansion release before this cyclical drop. Superdata said shadowlands dropped back to “normal” levels.

They advised there was 6 consecutive quarters of year over year growth. That’s a long term positive trend.

People need to stop trying to find things to be negative about. That’s all this is. Next week there will be a new topic that the forums froth over.


When I think about it, I kind of do the same thing. I always level alts after a break and kind of wait for the expansion to play out.

Its not going to happen in Shadowlands though, for the first time. Im just waiting for the TBC prepatch which is going to be a barnburner of a good time.

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Weird how I can log into any of my servers and still find cities packed full of players since the game is “hemorrhaging” subscriptions.

I don’t think I’ve seen Orgrimmar this full in years.

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Same on sargeras. Between being a higher pop alliance server, and having many higher pop servers in the battle group, there are always tons of people around everywhere. WM on or off, doesn’t matter.

There is always a disconnect between all of the forum complaining about population and my experience in game, over the long term. It really feels like people are whining for the sake of whining.

Let’s say there are 4mm players subscribed on average. If they spike up to 7 or 8mm when an expansion launches, and then go back down to 4mm after 2-3 months, why are people whining like the world is ending.

I have fun in this game because I want to have fun. When I don’t have fun I go play something else for a bit. My fun is not determined by how many other people are playing.

It sure seems like on these forums some people never matured past that teenage stage where everything must revolve around what the group is doing or what the group likes. As you get older you stop caring about the group and you focus on yourself.

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it happens with all games. Many people are only interested in the story updates/campaign of new game, play the complete storyline and once they are done, they stop playing. There are plenty of people who only play the game for the story and nothing more…

I do this myself but with other games such as Call of Dooty, Battlefield, Doom series of games, etc. I only play the single player story campaign and once I finish a single playthrough, i stop playing them as I am no longer interested in game or the online play/multiplayer part…

So it’s the same for wow, people come back only to play and see the new updated features and story and quests, and once they are done with the mainquestline, they stop playing as they aren’t interested in raiding, dungeons, pvp, or any other side multiplayer content (also don’t have wow addiction issues).

This is normal. People come and go for every patch and every expansion.

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Remember, this forum is NA. We all play the game in NA, including the OCE, BR and LA realms. We only see pops in NA. So if people here in these forums are reacting to what they see in-game, the sub base is much smaller.

?? I’m also in North America. Sargeras

I dont really listen to Bellular. He has an opinion and most of the time, I dont agree with it.

I agree that sub numbers spike high during a new expansion and it subsides after few months. It’s been like that since the first Expansion.

the LFR mindset killed the community and its just not worth putting up with for a damn game

The “4 million” subscribers who are still around might be heavily weighted in China. Or they might not.

If the amount of people in a certain region who have left was disproportionately higher, players in that region would feel the effects of de-populated servers more than other regions. The question should be do all regions have the same % declines in monthly subs. The Superdata data was for NA+EU.

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Expansion theme is bad. It’s not WoW anymore. We don’t go to azeroth. No difference between horde and alliance minus the races. Replay value of leveling and zones is horrible. The m+ kiting meta is bad. The enormous amount of time you have to put on resources (anima, stygia,ash). Loot sucks. Covenant balance is bad. Putting powers into legendaries is a bad idea. Story is bad and uninspired.

Its a bad expansion all around.


So you want solo content that rewards gear like M+? I don’t think Blizzard wants to design this game to cater to solo play. It’s never been that way so you’re playing the wrong game if you want endgame rewards from solo play. There’s much better Single Layer RPGs out there.

This isn’t it.

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The problem with the sub spikes and subsequent drop is that it starts for feel normal.

Once it’s normal and they’ve optimized the income around it, then they run with it, which isn’t good for the players who keep playing year round.

Classic “why 15 year old game not the exact same since launch? angerrrry >:(((”

Nobody’s saying it has to be the exact same. We’d settle for not ruined.

Their point on radically changing it every expansion and resetting progression is true, though. We’re level 60 - in Classic and Shadowlands.

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he did another video talking about how good the expansion was going to be.


When did Blizz start posting sub numbers again?

on the day blizzard will give us stuff like this for nightborne and more stuff for allied races, solo queues for rated pvp and more loot drop chances the playbase will bump in numbers