I’m talking prot specifically. Here at the notes.
- Protection
Developer’s notes: Protection Warrior is a very active spec, requiring constant decision-making both for tanking decisions as well as managing cooldown resets and free ability uses. However, there are some elements of the current design that can lead to Protection Warriors requiring more active play than we intend. Frequent Shield Slam cooldown resets are one part of the issue, as they occupy a large amount of the rotation and generate a significant amount of Rage. This leaves little room in the rotation to spend Rage on anything that uses the global cooldown, and coupled with most Protection major cooldowns generating a large amount of additional Rage, leads to using Ignore Pain frequently, even when it provides little or no mitigation value. To address this, we are reducing the frequency of Shield Slam cooldown resets and Rage generated by major cooldowns and in exchange, supplementing Rage generation from passive or rotational sources. It is our goal that this will make Protection easier to approach and play, while still leaving plenty of room for skillful and active play at higher levels.
All ability damage increased by 26%.
- Developers’ notes: We have noticed damage dealt by tanks has not been keeping pace with damage dealers, we are adjusting damage of all tank specs to bring them into a closer alignment with DPS specs.
Shield Slam damage increased by 20%.
Execute damage increased by 10%.
Brace for Impact stacks up to 3 times (was 5), and grants 10% Shield Slam damage and shield block value by 5% (was 5% Shield Slam damage and 3% shield block value).
Punish reduces damage the punished target deals to you by 3% (was 2%).
Bloodsurge now causes damage from Deep Wounds to have a chance to generate 5 Rage.
Instigate causes Devastator to generate 2 Rage (was 1).
Chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam from Devastator and Strategist reduced to 25% (was 30%).
Impenetrable Wall no longer increases Rage generated by Shield Slam.
Booming Voice causes Demoralizing Shout to generate 20 Rage (was 30).
Champion’s Bulwark no longer increases the Rage generated by Shield Charge.
Violent Outburst has been rebuilt to be easier to understand and track progress towards the next Outburst. Additional Rage generated from Violent Outburst reduced to 50% (was 100%).
Shield Wall cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 3.5 minutes).
Amount of damage ignored from each use of Ignore Pain increased by 30%.
Ignore Pain’s icon now displays the remaining absorb amount as a percentage of the maximum absorb amount.
Barbaric Training no longer increases the Rage cost of Revenge.
Frothing Berserker now has a chance to refund 50% of the Rage spent on Revenge (was 25%).
Practiced Strikes increases Rage generated by Shield Slam by 3.
Colossal Might is no longer applied by Execute.
- Developers’ notes: Using your hard-hitting rotational ability regularly is core to the Colossus playstyle, and Execute applying Colossal Might pushed Colossus away from that during Execute phases.
An issue causing Demolish’s animation to not correctly play sometimes is now fixed.
Mountain Thane
Thunder Blast damage increased by 10%.
Avatar of the Storm has a chance to grant 6 seconds of Avatar (was 4 seconds).
I mainly do T8 delves (will be doing 9+ in 11.1 with new rewards) and open world questing, and I don’t really see these as bad changes for prot. I find myself constantly juggling which abilities to use, especially when SS is resetting every other GCD. And I also tend to have way too much rage on my hands. It is hard to manage all your abilities when SS is resetting frequently and you just want to keep spamming that.
Tons of damage increases, more efficient use of rage, and SS not resetting all the time. I see this as a positive changes for 11.1.