Bellular on removing great vault from the game

My suggestion:


When expansion starts and we have the first tier, have a base tier be bought from vendors for Justice points earned from Heroic Dungeons, LFR and M0 which is all the same iLvl and everything but Rings, Trinkets, Weapons and Offhand is bought. Those are dropped from bosses doing those specific difficulties.

Tier 1 is bought with Valor points earned from Normal / Heroic / Mythic raids or M+ 1 and higher. Harder difficulties earned more Valor points. Can spend points to buy Tier 1 gear from vendors except Rings, Trinkets, Weapons and Offhands. Those only drop from bosses in the specific content.

Once purchased from a vendor, use Valor points to upgrade the gear to higher ranks up to a specific iLvl to do harder content. So if you only do Normal Raids or M+ like 1 - 5 for example, you have a iLvl cap you can hit. To increase the cap, must complete a Heroic Raid or higher M+. Doing so hits the next iLvl cap which you can do to do the next rank of difficultly.

If you only do M+, the caps are broken down based on the key and will eventually equal same iLvl as Mythic Raids. So M+ 1 - 5 will end up being equal to Normal Raids at M+5, M+ 6 - 10 will equal heroic iLvl at M+10, M+ 11 - 15 will equal Mythic iLvl at M+15. Cap stops at the current Tier.

The gear the drops from bosses from raids can’t be upgraded but the M+ versions can be upgraded up to the current cap for the range and then would need to get the next range to drop at that point.

Then once the next raid tier comes up, Tier 1 is bought with Justice Points, Tier 0 is bought with gold from vendors. New tier is bought with Valor points earned same way as above and all points are reset when the new tier comes out by converting Valor Points to Justice Points.

Next tier has a new iLvl range and cap and you would need to start by buying the gear from the vendors for Valor Points as before and getting the drop for the other slots from bosses to then upgrade.


Get a complete Tier 0 or base gear for all slots bought from vendors with gold, next Tier is bought with Honor Points, last tier with Conquest points. As a new tier comes up, the Tier that was bought with honor changes to gold, Conquest to Honor and the new tier with Conquest.

Lastly make PvE gear useless in PvP by disabling effects, lowering stats or adding PvP only stats to PvP gear. Same with PvP gear, disable effects / lower stats when used in PvE content.

Will need to tweak the M+ keys for upgrades, and numbers tweak for costs, but something similar to the above would be an improvement I feel.

So effectively its a bit like Titanforging. You do the content in the hope of getting something thats an upgrade for you. Its sort of organised randomness.

except these systems already existed in the game in the past and they literally did not do this. Maybe don’t buy into the PR reasons why they’re selling you turd sandwiches instead of the meatball subs they used too.

The Great Vault is great for raiders. It needs to stay in future expansions. Taking it away would make it take much longer to get gear you want.

My opinion is that they should remove the vault as well - as for having M+ gearing be more rewarding I agree as well. I think the gear should change a bit. I think +15s dropping heroic raid loot is perfect and the “252” or mythic equivalent loot should be dropping from +20s and above.

The vault is bad in general but as of right now I’ve seen so many of my raiding guilds die because M+ from the vault was so much better and easier than putting in the effort to hold together a coherent 20 man mythic raid group

This doesn’t mean anything without context, real numbers. Out of how many? How many are pushing high keys out of the overall player population? Is 1% having fun?

Why does this reasoning apply to mythic+ but not PvP? In wod people got their gear in order to PvP and then PvP’d. All PvPers did this, not a fraction of a fraction.

You have Ion and the team who like RNG and something to keep you chasing carrots. The vault is just another failed dopamine check. It shouldn’t be in the game and is a result of clueless developers, not able to design normal gearing in this game. These are just ‘egg timer’ designs to have you log in again. Instead of creating a fun experience that gives those chasing gear a more workable path instead of these band aids that seemingly give repeats for some. lol


The vault is enraging. Imagine getting the SAME pieces of loot every week or the one you don’t need all patch long.

Which did you like more, the weekly chests from BFA or the Vault?

Initially in Legion I was okay with getting the extra reward from the weekly chest since it also came with the chance at a legendary as well as tons of artifact power. Don’t get me wrong, 80% of the time it was infuriating to get some trash loot that you already had or something with inferior stats while your guildy got a BIS trinket or something with a socket - it just wasn’t fun - but I was okay with it. But at this stage in the game, I would 100% prefer it were removed or replaced with an alternative.

Imagine instead, rather than getting a weekly piece of loot according to what content you did and occasionally getting lucky, you received some kind of upgrade token or currency to put towards upgrading an item that you had already earned from doing content. This would provide so much more agency as to not only how you spend your time in-game (farming a specific dungeon for an upgrade, as was the case pre-legion), but also with how you can progress your character and upgrade their gear. I think this idea would provide a much more controlled form of progression that would ultimately give players more to work towards and feel rewarding once the goal was achieved. Getting lucky in your chest in the first week of a new tier and being rewarded with your BIS weapon at maximum ilvl isn’t rewarding at all - its just laughable, and deincentivizes a person from playing.

Personally, I have been playing very casually since a few months into Castle Nathria and I haven’t opened more than a couple weekly chests on all my toons in that span of time (coming up on a year). I haven’t missed it at all. I really hope they redesign the system to be more rewarding and more in line with previous instalments of wow.

Honestly, I don’t agree with removing it. It’s way better than one choice per chest that is forced on you. Also, I prefer being able to earn it from raids, as I hate M+.

It really just needs some polishing. It’s so close, but they made the requirements confusing and unintuitive.

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Finding rated PVP is impossible at this point unless you force people you know to run with you. It’s blocked content now and the elitist will not take you unless you pay them. Bad game design because there should be an entry point to rated content not a wall like now.

Finally got my 252 Changeling in the vault, 14 days to enjoy it….

The vault Just needs some polish, like polishing away the RNG. Maybe some badge tokens too, like the good players days when subscribers we’re high. There were reasons people say wrath was the greatest expansion