Beledar is the cocoon of The World Soul (Azeroth) - The Void Titan

I have a strange suspicion Beledar is the Cocoon encasing the world soul Azeroth.

The is a lot of speculation that the crystal is Sargeras’s sword, but what if is isn’t?

We have met the titans in the flesh before, Aman’Thul, Aggramar, Eona, Argus and so on.

Unlike Sargeras, they are not very big in size. Sargeras was only as big as he was because of his thirst for power and the changes Fel magic did to him. So it’s a perfect size for her to be incased within.

Beledar is a mystery, It changes from Light to Void in color. What if this is Azeroth and the Light and the void are having a conflict within her. If that is true, depending on when she emerges, there is a 50/50 chance she could either emerge as a Light or Void Titan.

With that in mind and with regards to everything going on, considering Xala’tath’s influence and the Void Lords making their move, there is a strong possibility that Azeroth could become the first Void Titan ever to be born.

But is that a bad or a good thing? Who knows. Can we really trust the Light? Does it have good intentions? Or is the Light secretly an enemy as well as the other titans?

It makes a lot of sense why players speculate that the Crystal could be the sword tip because Beledar is very close to where the sword tip hit Silithus.
The Land of Khaz’algar is just off the coast, south east of Tanaris. So actually it makes a lot of sense as you fly down into the continent and then north west through Ringing deeps then fly directly west through Hallowfall towards the crystal. We also cannot fly directly up to the crystal so the distance could vary. It appears to be quite a distance away.

Also don’t forget, when Sargera’s Stabbed the planet he was ‘aiming for something’ I think this is what he was aiming for.

It’s understandable why people think it’s the sword.

Blizzard also clearly want to keep it a mystery because of the fact we cannot fly up close to it.

It most certainly isn’t. Khaz Algar and Silithus are not close to each other geographically.

The rest… Not out of the realm of possibilities.


If you actually look at the world map and evaluate the distance, technically Beledar is very close to where the sword tip hit Silithus. Also don’t forget we can’t fly right up to the Crystal. The distance could vary. it is towards Silithus’s location.
The Land of Khaz’algar is just off the coast, south east of Tanaris. So actually it makes a lot of sense as you fly down into the continent and then north west through Ringing deeps then fly directly west through Hallowfall towards the crystal.

It’s understandable why people think it’s the sword.

Blizzard also clearly want to keep it a mystery because of the fact we cannot fly up close to it.

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The bigger issue is angle. The angle of the sword is such that it goes down MUCH more than it goes laterally. For the sword to be near Beledar would require Hallowfal to be basically in the core of the world.

Distances in game can be wonky and Blizzard could handwave and say it is. Sure. But, ultimately it doesn’t really matter. Beledar is not the sword tip.

It wasn’t a bad theory early on before we got a better look at it and were given additional information. We know better now.

We know Beledar is not the sword for a number of reasons. Among them the most notable are:

  • Beledar does not look like the sword
  • Beledar was in Hallowfal for at least 15 years, predating the sword strike.
  • We have descriptions of similar crystals from when the Titans ordered the world.
  • And, most notably, Blizzard has said it was not the sword.

Not a completely crazy theory, Beledar is clearly related to a world soul (Azeroth’s or another) in some way. However, it is unfortunately, wrong. Beledar may be connected to Azeroth, but it is not encasing Azeroth. We know this because Azeroth is enclosed in a titan construct at the end of the Coreway that we can’t reach due to the collapse. We get that from the archives chain of quests.

The same archive chain quest describes crystals similar to Beledar. There are a number of them. Beledar is not encasing Azeroth’s world soul.

Well, yes and no. They are slowly releasing more and more information about it. Yes, the totality of it is currently a mystery. But, less and less over time. It is not so much that Blizzard wants to keep it a mystery, and more of a Blizzard wants it to be a slow reveal. Which is what is currently happening.


Archaedas theorizes that the Crystals are made from the World Soul’s Essence yet Dagran II theorizes that Archaedas may have been deceived.

The Crystals aren’t the World Souls’ essence but something of the Light.

Furthermore the servants of N’Zoth paid the place a visit after the Sundering according to the Tablets discovered in the Bonus Objectives in the Siren Isle Questline( and are most certainly responsible for it’s Void States(as well as all the Void Naaru I suspect).

Of course since the Crystals are noted by Anduin to have similar properties to Azerite that means N’Zoth was assaulting Beledar’s brethren until he died.

N’Zoth’s agents inside Beledar despite N’Zoth’s death continue to follow his orders to send Beledar/Hymosul to Void State even though N’Zoth can’t harm the other Light Crystals forcing them to bleed Arcane Light.

The Silithus Crystal by now is so recovered that Magni was knocked unconscious talking to it which is why it kept silent while Beledar being on the Void’s side despite being an entity of the Light thanks to N’Zoth didn’t bother to speak to Magni.

Why do the Crystals bleed Arcane Light despite emanating Holy Light and creating Naaru of Holy Light? Unknown but Azerite seems to be Light’s Purest Form with the Sacred Flame(Holy Arcane Light) being the next purest form and Naaru(Holy Light) being the next purest form after that.

So… is Purple Arcane Order or something else?

Considering the Radiant Song was heard at K’aresh before it exploded into Void and Arcane I suspect that Purple Arcane is Arcane Shadow especially since Voidwalkers and Void Lords claim that the Void is close to Suramar according to Void Entities speaking to Thal’kiel in Suramar(

Yes Arcane Shadow is addictive. Yes it causes the Elements to go crazy just as Arcane Light(Azerite) does. Yes Aman’Thul succumbed to Arcane Shadow with Order Magic keeping him from going out of control.

Yes Sargeras’s worst fears happened before he could do anything.

Arcane Order first appeared in the Algalon fight(as Blue Stellar Magics) with proper Arcane Order(which is Golden) first appearing in the Dragon Isles.

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Beledar is not Sargeras’ sword. But it was likely hit by Sargeras’ sword, which is why it sometimes goes Void. It might even be what Sargeras was aiming at.

Which expansion do you think the answer will be revealed in?

They have some connection to Azeroth, but I don’t think we could say they are actually pieces of Azeroth’s essence. They might be. They might not be. They might be pieces of World Soul essence that are not from Azeroth, but were drawn to her (that is my personal guess). Or you could be right, and they might be something from the Light. I don’t really think that fits, but we can’t rule it out either. We really can’t say for certain what they are. We can rule a few things out, one of which is they are not Azeroth herself and they are not containing Azeroth.

I don’t think we can be all that confident of that, or even call it likely. Something happened with the sword that effected Beledar.

Yes, it could be the sword damage Beledar directly. Or…

It could be there was a void crystal near it that the sword did hit, which is now bleeding into Beledar causing the change.

I could be the sword damage a Titan object that was restraining the void.

I could be that the sword strike didn’t do anything. It might be what we did. After Sargaras stabbed the world we used our artifact weapons to draw the power off the sword. One of those weapons was Xal’atath. A void entity getting a massive hit of power could have caused ripples, especially if she had some past interaction/connection to Beledar.

Etc., Etc.

Something happened around the sword that caused Beledar to start having a void phase. But I don’t think we can have any confidence what it was.

Pure guess here, but I feel like that will probably be the final patch of this expac. Next expac we are leaving the area. It would feel weird to have the reveal of what is going on with Beledar after we aren’t around Beledar anymore.

I really don’t think we will see the actual core of Azeroth until at least Last Titan.

I agree: War Within’s Final Patch I would say is Beledar.

We will eventually learn what's Tablets mean in the Final Patch of War Within.

Glittering Ancient Tablet
<The monolith depicts a vast stone tower collapsing into an massive wave. In the shadow of the wave, a faint figure can be seen.

Beneath the tower, in an underground chamber, humanoid figures take shelter before a glittering gold facet.>

For generations passed, our purpose held, the Luminous Heart at ease.

When lands seized and heaved, the skies flashed in noxious green.

Our bastion cracked, as towers fell, and waters black encroached.

In Vault beneath, we Sturmvyn prayed, Cyrce’s hand upon her Heart.

But when tremors grew, its cries rang out; Hymosul’s squall renewed.

When silence fell, the cries still pained, our stone-runed doors unsealed

As Cyrce strode forth, our bastion ruined, surrounded by waters new.

Upon our shores, a dark thing stood, its words in our minds, it spoke:

"The Deep One stirs, this place calls out, his right to claim is nigh

Kneel before the Old One’s gifts, their powers yours combined."

We don’t ever read Cyrce’s Answer to the N’raqi’s statement though considering Beledar’s Night Phase I suspect N’Zoth’s Followers are inside the thing switching it between Light and Shadow with N’Zoth’s death ensuring that Cyrce can enforce Order on Beledar’s Shifts and the N’raqi.