I have a strange suspicion Beledar is the Cocoon encasing the world soul Azeroth.
The is a lot of speculation that the crystal is Sargeras’s sword, but what if is isn’t?
We have met the titans in the flesh before, Aman’Thul, Aggramar, Eona, Argus and so on.
Unlike Sargeras, they are not very big in size. Sargeras was only as big as he was because of his thirst for power and the changes Fel magic did to him. So it’s a perfect size for her to be incased within.
Beledar is a mystery, It changes from Light to Void in color. What if this is Azeroth and the Light and the void are having a conflict within her. If that is true, depending on when she emerges, there is a 50/50 chance she could either emerge as a Light or Void Titan.
With that in mind and with regards to everything going on, considering Xala’tath’s influence and the Void Lords making their move, there is a strong possibility that Azeroth could become the first Void Titan ever to be born.
But is that a bad or a good thing? Who knows. Can we really trust the Light? Does it have good intentions? Or is the Light secretly an enemy as well as the other titans?
It makes a lot of sense why players speculate that the Crystal could be the sword tip because Beledar is very close to where the sword tip hit Silithus.
The Land of Khaz’algar is just off the coast, south east of Tanaris. So actually it makes a lot of sense as you fly down into the continent and then north west through Ringing deeps then fly directly west through Hallowfall towards the crystal. We also cannot fly directly up to the crystal so the distance could vary. It appears to be quite a distance away.
Also don’t forget, when Sargera’s Stabbed the planet he was ‘aiming for something’ I think this is what he was aiming for.
It’s understandable why people think it’s the sword.
Blizzard also clearly want to keep it a mystery because of the fact we cannot fly up close to it.