Bel'ameth gossip text and named NPCs gallery (PTR spoilers)

Which is dumb for everyone. People need spaces AWAY from the other faction. A place that is 100% theirs with no strings attached.

The factions being a thing of the past is fine, but I hope they don’t go the other extreme with everyone singing friendship songs to one another when it hasn’t been earned.

That’s a problem blizzard always had. They do things in the extreme, they don’t know how to make things feel like they been earned

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Also, the named DK npcs are using Ravencrest armor, this is interesting.


New official armor style for DK kaldorei perhaps? Or a hint at a new armor set coming perhaps?

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you can get this armor by doing legion timewalking with a plate user already. Is not race locked or class locked.


Ahh. Didn’t know that. I don’t play plate classes :blush:

I don’t understand why so many Horde players suddenly want a neutral Bel’ameth. Race capitals always been hostile towards other faction. No one wants a neutral Stormwind, Silvermoon or Gnomeregan

Did Alliance want free entry to Orgrimmar after they help defeat Garrosh? No, because this is the Horde zone which you can easily visit if you play as orc, troll and so on. If you, as a Horde, want to see new zone, you can easly play 10.2 content (only without a few buildings) simple as that. (Or do a Rogue and use stealth :stuck_out_tongue:)

However, in terms of lore, Horde walking around the city make no sense. Night elves are currently the most hostile race towards the Horde. They cut down their forests, many times tried to murder elves leaders and of course the case of Teldrassil.

  • Some say - Horde helped defend Amirdrassil. - and that’s, make a lot of sense. but this argument loses some of value when understand. Burned Tree = burned Azeroth. So Horde really had no choice unless they wanted to see their houses on fire

want to scroll up where so many Horde players have already answered this question.



I kind of figured this new info was going to open old wounds a bit for a lot of people.

I just ask we all be friendly about any discussion on it and try to remember why people feel the way they do. :blush:


Thank you Karebear, you are right. I’m starting to let some of that spicy hot MochaElf out and I should tone it down a tad.



Man I fall asleep and wake up to you guys all

There are a couple of things I am curious about with this aura, for science. If horde try to duel alliance does it trigger the guards like it will in Nighthaven? How does the aura interact with war mode?


From what I have seen mentioned on the Txitterspace, the buff doesn’t seem to be more than a thing that turns the NPCs neutral to Horde players. At least so far. Given it’s a sanctuary zone, I would assume warmode is largely irrelevant. I don’t know about dueling though.

I think they should push it a bit further, have everyone set to unfriendly rather than merely neutral… perhaps have the guards say things along the lines of “No funny business, or else.”

Make it clear they are tolerating you as a horde member because of your actions in the Dream, but they are less than amused by your presence.


It is precisely because the content has not yet been aired that it deserves to be questioned and discussed.

This is the most appropriate time for this type of conversation.


Poor green dragons really got the short end of the stick this expansion. They lose their zone story to centaur, then lose their patch to night elves.


I feel the same way about the future of Silvermoon.


I’m probably in the minority here, but all the capitals should be strictly off limits to the opposite side . Regardless of how useful they were in helping. It suddenly doesn’t undo years of hatred that blizz developed between the factions and now want us to forget about


It’s just steeping player resentment. I agree.


And you’re right. A lot of it is player resentment of unanswered grievances that people legitimately have


How would people feel if they gave Tyrande a “why allow the Horde here?” dialog and it boils down to “The Aspects requested in light of the Horde’s actions in the Dream that I allow coexistence a chance. So I shall… for now.”

I think we should see if it’s a permanent thing or just something that’s temporary to allow people see what they helped with before the horde gets the boot

But if it’s permanent, I suppose the dialogue works