Picked up the Pirate Gastronomy quest today and it showed a reward of 16 tokens. Mousing over the reward says “This includes a one-time Warband bonus (10+6 currency)”.
When I turned in the quest, I had 27 tokens and I was only awarded 8 tokens total for a total of 35 instead of 43 like it should be.
I have screenshots to prove this, but no way to post them.
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These and other quests are sometimes bugged and displaying rewards at double the value actually being awarded. It’s most common to see with TWW weeklies (such as double tokens or two Pinnacle Caches instead of one) but the issue is clearly also affecting other quests.
Not sure where you’re seeing the “10+6” in any tooltip, however. I have never seen this on any quest which provides a one-time warband bonus, and it sounds like an addon that might be guessing. Most of the rewards for Guest Relations chapters are 8 tokens.