Being prompted for Shard/Layer change

They never actually said there would not be sharding, even with layering enabled.

So then it seems you want to be in a group if you travel across continents so the players don’t all end up in different layers.

what you don’t understand is that in vanilla there were 200k people that bought the game on day 1. starting zones were still a nightmare. MILLIONS of people are going to be playing day 1 classic. starting zones will be a complete mess with a thousand people trying to kill the only 15 npc wolves that spawn. layering is also temporary and is going to be removed for good weeks after launch.

it’s also to prevent queue times and reduce server crashes/latency issues in starting zones. i do agree it’s exploitable, which is why it’s not permanent.

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I was in a raid.

200K were not all on one realm.

You will still see a madhouse on launch day because they are replicating that 3K realm cap…3K per layer.

It’s vital to the success of Classic and people need to start supporting it. When classic launches there are going to be tons of people who come just to check it out. These people will disappear over the weeks and months. Without layering, this will leave servers underpopulated and will start a chain reaction causing more and more people to quit.

We need layering, stop fighting it.

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No, what I meant if 4 people hop on the boat/zep and they want to stay together then they should group up as a party so they don’t end up in different layers when the boat/zep lands.

i actually do hope blizz makes one server have no layering that way when all the people who think layering is a terrible idea sign into that server and realize what a hot mess it’s going to be they’re going to be proven wrong and switch to the servers that do use it

What? Why would people group up simply because they’re taking a boat? Players shouldn’t need to find solutions to prevent server tech from dividing them while they play. This is one of the many reasons why the community is actively opposed to CRZ/sharding/phasing, and why it should be opposed to layering.

The community isn’t upset. Layering is largely accepted as a short term fix to startup population uncertainty.

There are a handful of people here who are really wound up about it though. But they are a small minority.

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layering doesn’t divide them when they play. the only time you see layering happening is when one person passes into another zone while the other player remains in the original zone. guildies/groups are still kept together regardless of this. CRZ actually takes other players from other servers, layering is still only the people on the same server. And again, layering is only temporary

Well I guess this thread has become a no sharding/layering thread now
But to answer to the OP’s question, yes it would probably help since right now auto layering can just kill you for no reason, which basically mean that you die not because you’ve not played well but because a random number on the infrastructure decided so. Which clearly no player nor game developer would want if it can be avoided.

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The point is you are seeing it happen.

What you describe is sharding. Layering, the entire continent is layered. Once you are assigned a layer, you experience everyone in your layer all the time. You can be layer switched if you accept a group request from players in a different layer or if you log off - and get assigned a new layer when you log back in.

I might be missing something, but isn’t the layering mechanic only in the first few weeks to alleviate the mob of players?

Since they are going to be eventually removed, why people are so upset about it?

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If not a prompt, how about a 2 min warning? Not many mobs take over a minute to kill or node to gather or corpse to loot. In the stress test beta I lost loot on a quest mob twice to shard…err layering and the 2nd time I died when I was put on a shar…layer surrounded by mobs I had previously killed through.


We were told layering would be gone by Phase 2 - or earlier if the population was stabilized sooner.

No idea why people are so upset about it. Some of it is failure to understand the what and why of layering. Some of it is just people wanting to be difficult. The uncertainty of classic population demands mean Blizzard has to do something to mitigate the problems.

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Except for the fact that it is absolutely NOTHING like CRZ


Is that your opinion or do you have some evidence to actually support that claim?

It would be different in that the names would be reserved across many realms already, so that when merge happens new people pop in, but no one has to change names etc.