Being kicked = You've Abandoned the Group?

I find it quite odd that while I pay a Subscription to adventure in an MMORPG that, frequently enough for me to mention it; at times results in PUG’s deciding that they’re done looking at me for one reason, or another. Yet I am punished for 30 minutes? For 30 Moments of my Life: I am unable to Queue for Dungeons because some random group of horrid Elitist Noobs decided I wasn’t Turtley enough for the Turtle Club; that my being kicked from a PUG means that I’ve “Abandoned my Group”? Would it not make more sense that if a Random PUG decides that you’re not cool enough, and they then Kick you; that One could just Queue again; instead of being Griefed for half an hour?


Skill issue.

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The amount of victim in this post is insane.

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I agree with op. It isn’t usually about skill but about circlejerking people who suck at the game who want to exert power for the laugh of it while they pretend to be nice otherwise and oil themselves up real well for what benefit them.

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Was actually coming to make a similar post. I now get why queues take so long to find a tank and why no one wants to queue as one. I’m normally arms but decided I’ll play prot and work on beefing up a couple of items I still need from heroics for my tank set. Get Grim Batol, no issues on the trash. Get to first boss and healer dies on first ground siege. Blames me for not picking up adds fast enough. I check details and he took 0 add damage, just one shot kill from ground siege. After I explain to him he didn’t dodge the mechanic, he doubled down and I was booted about 30 seconds later and now stuck with a 30 min dungeon deserter buff…

Needless to say, I have no intention of queuing as tank short of with a guild group anymore, especially when the singular time I’ve gotten kicked from heroics (and I’ve ran plenty being constantly valor capped) was when I queue as a tank. Honestly, if I didn’t get the deserter buff, I might have tried again and said that group was a one off but the risk of getting hit with a 30 min debuff disabling you from playing the game in a role that that RDF desperately needs is not worth the risk instead of just waiting 5 minutes and rolling as dps.

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