Being kicked from a dungeon once should NOT result in the deserter debuff

I was kicked while doing the first boss of the new BRD. I was on my prot pally, and I am admittedly not good with that class, but I was running with my friend because they play alliance. Instead of providing feedback or advice after the wipe, the other tank declared that they should ‘kick this s***y off tank.’ The vote goes through with no discussion and I get kicked.
Now, I am a more casual player and I haven’t been farming these raids, so I don’t know them as well. I do not think that it is at all fair to get the Desserter debuff for getting kicked for the first time since I reactivated this account a few months ago. Please assess how this debuff is applied and try to make the first offense not apply because a pack of toxic players can ruin someone’s night by kicking them.

Since you reactivated a few months ago, it’s possible that you’re unaware they added an adventure guide in-game which gives you information and details on boss mechanics.

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If you are wiping the group by not doing the boss mechanics, you may be the person everyone thinks is toxic. It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between trolling and just being unaware. I personally find it semi-rude for anyone to queue as a pivotal role when they don’t know the strategies these days, especially given the info Ihatetrance offered above.


Repeated wipes, I can understand, but one wipe should not be cause to kick a player.

It all depends on context of the individual situation. If the entire group was saying “die and reset” and a tank was ignoring that call and trying to solo the boss, that can bother people. If the tank was BoPing their self and letting the boss kill dps and healers, that could be a reason for a kick too.