Put them all on ignore then report each of them for harassment.
If they bypass your ignore, report them for on going harassment.
Do not ever respond to them. If you respond, Blizzard will view it has an argument, not harassment.
This is good advice. There’s a detailed thread from Vrakthris in the CS forums that also states not to get into a debate or argument with the other player. Just put them on ignore and if they keep harassing you, report them.
Here’s a link to the post:
While adventuring through Azeroth and surrounding lands you will encounter a myriad of other players. They could be out questing, exploring a dungeon, trying to smash the opposition in a Battleground, defeating a raid boss, or simply hanging out in town.
The certainty about an online game is that you will likely be engaging with these other players to one degree or another. Some communication will be helpful, adding to your experience in a positive way. Other contacts may not be so rewarding. W…