Being a dwarf resto shaman but also wanting to be an Orc?

I’d have to say I’m an rsham main, its what I played most. I came back pretty recently to this game and went ally. I actually prefer ally for pally as I can be a draenei and then void elf for mage, NE for druid.

However, I really really miss being an Orc rsham. I considered faction changing my rsham, but then that leaves 3 of my ally toons left which I actually do enjoy and prefer to have them stay as their respective races.

Now I’ve got another idea. I can level my old horde shaman to 80, but this will mean I’ll have two shamans. I’d imagine I’d probably stick mainly to the hordey sham if things worked out, while maining ally still since my other 3 toons are ally.

Would it make more sense to faction change my dwarf to horde and call it a day, or should I just level my horde shammy to 80 and I’ll keep my dwarf as an alt/second sham.

Only thing to consider is the fact that I will only have 1 horde toon, but I don’t really care about having access to tons of gold, at least I don’t think so.

Im pretty sure you can lvl a character to 80 in a couple hours of timewalking and probably buy powerlevelling with gold for cheaper than a lvl boost kr faction transfer would cost in tokens.

Also, gold and currencies are all warband xferable so you wouldnt need to worry about missing anything

I’m just going to blurt out a random word which you may find useful or maybe it means nothing.


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