Being a demon hunter is hard

  1. Blizzard always nerfs you, even if your class is weak.
  2. Players who play on meta classes always ask for the Demon Hunter to be nerfed.
  3. You work hard to win, but people say dh easy gaming.

If Demon Hunter is that easy, make dh and take good rating somewhere. I’m not talking about solo shuffle, that’s clown mode(Solo shuffle is checkers, arena is chess.). Show it in a 3v3 arena.

but you won’t be able to do this, because playing a demon hunter well is more difficult than winning the world chess championship.

Ok your last thread was a 7/10 because it was actually believeable. This one is a 1/10 because the trolling is painfully obvious.

Been there, done that. Ez.

not, on dh per stun u die, low cc. very hard win.

Doubling down on a 1/10 doesn’t make it any better. Go back to Evropa, maybe it’ll be more believable there.

And you have nothing to say. You won’t be able to get a high 3v3 rating on Demon Hunter. that’s why you say it’s trolling.if it were easy, you would prove it.

Fascinating take lmao

It wouldn’t be the first, second, or even third time I got Elite on a DH because someone challenged me to do so after me calling it easy.

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Havoc DH and hpriest are the specs with highest skill cap, y’all literally have talent that lets you fly midair in arena.