Begging for my name

Hi guys.

I’m sorry to do this, but this is breaking my heart. If you are, or know the owner, of the name Tazjin on WrA, please, please get in touch with me. Last I saw, it was being held by a never-played DK still with starting equipment and level, although even that seems gone from the search now.

I don’t know what I can offer–it’s not like I have a ton of gold–but I miss my name so much, and I’m tired of the alt character. Please, please help me get my name back :frowning:


Hey, it’s the lockpicking man. You got me a shiny tmog mace I didn’t have.

Vorzhal doesn’t have your name, but you should check your inbox in game as soon as you can. Sent over some thread relevant mail.

I may be a little late, but here’s what I would do:

Submit a ticket to Blizzard asking them to free up the name on the ground of the character not being played for amount of time. I did that for my monk a while ago (back in MoP) and they were completely fine freeing up a name in use that hasn’t been ‘active’ in a while.

Hope that helps and good luck!

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While the method Araghar mentioned used to work, Blizzard does not supply this luxury anymore. Any request regarding it will be met with some generic copy-paste reply about how they can’t breach accounts like that anymore.

It’s unfortunately a lot of chance and luck involved now. They only release names if the account (not just the character) hasn’t been logged in for two expansions.

Tazjin, if the name is still taken but not showing up on the armory, it is likely taken by a character lower than level ten. Have you tried to mail them perhaps? Additionally, you can try your luck here: Wyrmrest Name Archive Redux

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I feel you, I’ve wanted “Terran” ever since Cata. It was held by an inactive character until Legion and got released. Unfortunately someone took it then and they too have become inactive. Like Selowen suggested try to mail the toon on both factions and see if you get a bite, I would also suggest trying at least every month to get it. Sometimes they do announce names being freed and sometimes they don’t, so you will always want to be trying every chance you get. Good Luck! I hope you get it!

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I added the name I wanted to my friends list. When they disappear from it I will try to grab it. That’s all I can do

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I actually have done this, however, the ACCOUNT is active even though the character is not. Therefore, it cannot be released. So they said, anyhow.

Good idea though.

Out of interest, why is the name so important to you? Seems you’ve got a very similar name if nothing else. Regrettably sometimes you have to settle, especially on RP servers.

I mean, the same reason a name is important to any of us, I suppose–it’s my name. Taz isn’t French.

From a pure gameplay perspective, having alt characters also makes things like receiving invites and mail more of a chore than it would otherwise be. But mostly, I just want my name.

Like, it’d be one thing if someone was actively using it and enjoying it. But last I saw, it was just parked on a rotting DK alt that had never even unequipped the starter gear, gained a level, or left the starting area. For me, this is my main–and the owner can’t care about it that much if its just going unused. So, doing everything I can to give it back to someone for whom the name is their main.

And I do love it. I picked that name way before I even knew what a 'jin was (although Taz has earned his 'jin IC , now, too.) I only knew that I loved trolls, that I loved their Tazdingo cheer, and I loved Vol’jin.

I slapped the two together, and got Tazjin. And he’s been my main, and my favorite character I’ve ever roleplayed (in or out of WoW) since. So the name means a lot, and I’d love to have the ‘real’ one if possible. Worth a shot anyway.


Yeah for sure! Well good luck with it, I hope it works out!

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If I may ask- how did you lose the name to begin with?

Hey I seen you the other day in Nazmir


I didn’t “lose” it exactly. I had the name on Emerald Dream for years, and then my guild moved to WrA about a year ago(ish), and it was, and has been, taken since.

Also as an update to anyone else who cares, I did submit a ticket and they did confirm that it cannot be released and probably won’t be anytime soon. Sigh. And I have tried sending in game mail to the name numerous times (I did again, just in case), but it seems that toon is never played so the owner never gets it. All I can do is hope I guess.

Yeah they can’t really let players dictate who deserves what name, that would be anarchy. The issues that would arise if you were forced to log in to keep names you got would be pretty crazy too.

The main issue is that it’s not your name, it’s someone else’s. I can understand feeling attached to it, but if everyone got character names, guild names, etc because they felt it was their property or brand, most people would be left unhappy. It sucks that the name you had on ED belongs to someone else here, but really the best thing to do is as you said, just hope it frees up. Bombarding the person with messages isn’t really the best response. It’s their name, they’re allowed to have it, it’s really best to leave them alone, and if they delete that character, then great. If not, find another name you like that you don’t need special characters for.

Uh, I mean, I know? I wasn’t advocating for them taking it away from someone. I was simply answering the question of why I’m attached to it. As nice as it is to have a lesson on fairness, I promise you I get it. That’s why I’m simply asking to be put in touch with the person who has it. Not like I’m throwing a fit or demanding it be released to me or something. And I hardly think a piece of mail every 304 months is bombarding. shrug

This is what you said, and I only have that to go off of. And I apologize if I jumped to conclusions, but while you said you know, you also refer to the name as yours multiple times in this thread, including the title.

Just… putting it out there, that it’s currently someone else’s. If your wording is coincidental and not meant to be meaningful in that way, than nevermind. Again, I can only go based off what I’m reading.