The necrotic plague debuff is only spreading from me to one ghoul. The necrotic plague is not spreading after killing the first ghoul, only allowing for a stack of 2. You need a stack of 30 or more thus making the achievement unattainable.
If anyone knows of this issue or if I’m wrong, let me know.
I was trying it for 5 hours
pls, I want my mount 
While the raid may be possible to complete with just one person, that doesn’t mean that the achievements are also possible in such circumstances. That one was designed with at least 10 people in mind, after all.
That having been said, it may well be a bug if the plague is not spreading to another valid target within range. “Valid target” in this case being another player, ghouls or the constructs (I don’t recall their exact name). If it’s attempting to jump to your pet it could well be fizzling to prevent certain undesirable behaviour.
It’s also important to be aware that the achievement requires you to get 30 stacks exactly. Not more than 30, but 30. If you skip past it by combining stacks, you do not qualify for the achievement.
I did it on a hunter, after perusing this guide. As I recall, I just stood at the stairs, like it says, and let him spawn a bunch of ghouls. I have pet attack and stop-attack on hotkeys, and just hit them one after another, so that the pet nipped him and instantly backed off.
Then it was just a matter of tabbing around watching it gain stacks- pretty sure I let it go a couple over 30 just to be on the safe side, I don’t think it has to be 30 exactly (the comments there on WoWhead say this too).
I keep trying on my hunter and the plague just jumps from me to one ghoul, kills that ghoul and that’s the end of it. 15 sec later i get plague again and same thing. why isn’t it jumping after killing?
Same on my druid, use force of nature to have an additional target so LK will cast it, it lands on me, jumps to another target and the fizzles into non-existence. Have done this many times today, same result every time, never more than 2 stacks. This has been with an entire horde of ghouls surrounding me and even went as far as to hit LK’s enrage, I know it is not an issue of not having another target to jump to.
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Same thing happened to me when I tried to get the 10 player version of this achievement two days ago. LK would cast necrotic plague on me and then jump to a ghoul in range, the ghoul would die from it, and then it wouldn’t jump to another target. Never jumped after it hit 2 stacks.
Same here on 10-man. Kills a ghoul then doesn’t jump. Tried issuing a ticket but the response I got was essentially “google it” even after explaining it doesn’t work.
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Blegh, that does sound like a bug.
Best bet is probably to keep putting in in-game tickets until they notice telling people to Google it isn’t solving the issue…
tried this on 10 man today…so mad…let the stacks get to 32…and NO ACH…ugh
Same here, get like 30 mobs, drop my trinket terracotta warrior, plague goes from me to a ghoul and the ghoul dies. no more plague. been trying for 6 hours on two toons. this is for 10 man.
The same problem, the plague does not work correctly, it is impossible to make an achievement. Spent a lot of time trying, used two different characters, but no result.
This is still happening. Ran it Naked even. It jumps to the first Ghoul and stops. Cant get past 2 stacks. Had like 12-15 ghouls up. Bump.
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Confirmed, been trying to get the stacks for the last couple hours. Gets casted on me, jumps the ghoul, ghoul dies. Stacks are wiped. Cant get it past 2.
This is still happening. Been trying for a few hours now.
Put in a ticket for this as well, just same old response of working as indented, very hard achievement, will look into it. I doubt Blizzard will focus on fixing this:(
The DEBUFF is not working as intended.
They have to either FIX this BUG, or remove the achievement from the “Glory of The IceCrown Raider”
So has anyone been able to get this achievement since my original posting? I see there’s a lot that are having the same issue. Please Blizzard, Do something!
This bug is still active. I attempted to do the achievement today and it bugs out every time. Wowhead has a blue comment about the bug, but there’s no ETA on when it will be resolved. It’s disappointing. I think next patch, they should just remove this achievement from the required list on Glory of the Icecrown Raider.
There’s a key phrase in the achievement or lack there of. The stacks don’t have to be on the ghouls to count.
You have to take a second person and stack the debuff in between yourselves. Kill any ghouls that spawn while avoiding getting knocked off. You and your partner want to be the only ones that the debuff can spread to. Once the debuff is around 3 stacks smack the Litch King into his RP phase. Stand near each other and it should stack up while he gives his speech. Once frost mourn is broken just stand there and wait for 30 stacks. Be sure to take off any gear or trinkets that do damage. I was able to get it this way after experimentation.
Checking in. Looking for anyone who played in the guild “Reroute to Remain” during the TBC era. Horde side Azgalor. My name at the time was “Harmonics”. Belf rogue. We came over from the server Gul’Dan. On that server, guild names were “Nightmare” and " Ultra Mega Awesome Super". If anyone remembers me, feel free to reach out.