Been Waiting A Long Time For This. 10 Man

I recently completed this achievement for ICC 25 H, I then attempted to completed the 10 man version for the other mount. Has anyone tried to complete this lately?

My problem is that the Necrotic Plague is not spreading. I used the same strategy that I used for 25 man. I allow the LK to summon 4 rounds of ghouls before I attack with my pet. Once LK hits me with plague I allow it to fall off which then makes it go to a ghoul. The ghoul will gain 2 stacks of plague, but once it dies it will not spread to the other ghouls that are following me. The ghoul does get hit for close to 1.4m from the plague which obviously instant kills it.

Is anyone else having this problem?

I’ve opened an in game ticket and received a response. The GM told me no one else was having this issue, or at least hadn’t reported it as of yet. They offered resources and guides on how to complete the achievement. I’ve watched many YouTube videos, read wow head strategies and I’m confident I’m doing everything correctly. I have completed the 25 man version without a problem.

I’m making these attempts on a level 110 Warlock.

Any info or tips would greatly be appreciated.

I’m having the same problem on 25 man. I’ve followed videos/guides, but no matter what I do, the plague spreads to a ghoul (2 stacks) then it dies and the plague doesn’t spread. This was on a level 111 hunter.

I am having issues with this as well (25 man heroic). I’m a 120 Frost Mage with an ilvl of 360. I tried at first with a friend who was a Warlock and we couldn’t get Necrotic Plague to stack past 2. Then we tried Frost Mage & Hunter and that didn’t work either. I looked at a handful of videos on Youtube about how to get the achievement and did exactly what was suggested but noting worked. We spent a good hour on this. Later , I tried for another hour to solo it and still, nothing. So frustrating because it’s the only ICC Glory achievement I need to get the mount.

I am having the same problem, it has been a couple weeks now.

I opened a ticket and this is the response I received

We are indeed having reports here and there saying ghouls are being killed by the plauge instantaneously and the plaugue wouldn’t spread.
Our plague scientists are testing around to see what’s going on with this necrotic disease yet no result yet.
Right here, I could only suggest that you make a detailed report on the bug report forum – this is to help the teams out by offering a larger scale of tests (from all the players) and may uncover evidence which was previously missed out on the cause of this bizarre issue.
Before that, I’m afraid you may have to wait a little longer time for this – as we do not have the record of how the stacks go around, it is not possible for us to reward the achievement as a result :confused:
I’m really sorry for this inconvenience, and hopefully a solution for this life-ending plauge would be brought about soon!

I am having this issue as well. My last attempt was just 2 days ago, been looking for solution and thank God I got led here. So, it is confirmed that I am not the only one with this problem. Just to register my me-too here.

Just tried this for a few hours a couple days ago, still not working so here’s my “Me too”

Tired it today. Me too

I was able to solo this on my BM hunter this week. Put pet on passive then have it growl at lich king and back to passive. Then I just ran around all over the platform always staying near pet an ghouls… eventually i got 30 stacks and nuked boss.

Took about 7 - 8 minutes.

Hope this helps.

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