Still cant seem to win. Read guides, tried tactics. The nether horrors just DELETE me in like 2 seconds now even with Barkskin/Survival instincts up. TBH I got MUCH MUCH closer during the original conception.
ALL I ever wanted was the bear form. Kill the world boss in DF every week on 3 druids.
I guess its just not meant to be.
On a side note, I do not have the endless time most players do…I can usually get in an hour a day IF i have decent internet which isnt always the case as a Truck Driver.
Do you have all the add-ons like dbm and all the voice notifications that tell you when to interrupt?
I generally remove all the abilities not necessary from my bars to eliminate clutter.
I did mine at home though, I probably would have had a hard time in my truck comfort is key because it more or less boils down to running it over and over until it just happens and you get it done.
Brother, I did it after 327 attempts. I’ll leave you some tips:
- Try leaving only one Infernal alive at the end of the first phase.
- It’s incredibly tough, but with every attempt, you’ll improve.
- Without consumables, don’t expect to get past the first phase. Try watching FluffyGuide videos.
Right now, I’m trying the healer challenge. Almost 400 attempts and I’ve only gotten past phase 1 four times… Simply insane.
In the current expansion, I’d say if you want to be miserable, try doing the mage tower.
You can still do the mage tower for the other bear forms!?
First phase is all about CC. If you stop the knife dances right when the damage starts they won’t re-cast it.
Cyclone alone will win you that phase.
Thanks for your advice, I’m really trying it on a Holy Paladin. I feel like the Restoration Druid just doesn’t have enough CC
The real problem is the last phase. As if an impossible Phase 1 wasn’t enough, in Phase 4 the Boss just gives you the middle finger.
I haven’t tried it in the TWW, but in dragonflight you could just stand in the green pools and outheal the damage it dealt to you since it was so needed compared to legion.
Not sure how the scaling is now though.
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I did some challenges in DF when I was in Europe; but in TWW it has definitely become more difficult.
Regarding the Healer challenge, it’s extremely frustrating to lose 10-15 minutes only for the final Boss to destroy you with two jumps [or your teammates if your health is too high]. At least with the Bear challenge, I knew immediately if I needed to retry or not.
If you already know this then ignore me, but you can stun the last. Boss. Take bash and maim. You can absolutely lay into him with heart of the wild.
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for the guardian mage tower, incapacitating roar the nether horrors cast. that buys you the time to cleave them down. moonfire should be able to handle the eyeballs but make sure to face them so their beam doesnt knock you back. dont stand too long in the puddle around the first boss, stacking max health debuff from what i remember. avoid infernals smashes, they will knock you off the ledge, though you can focus the boss and use a focus cast wild charge to save yourself from the knockback in midair if you’re quick, though its not a guarantee as the range is short.
hardest part of the encounter in my opinion is actually the back to back interrupt and defensive on the second boss. fail either one and its a wipe, they happen pretty much one right after the other, and the cast times are pretty short so you have to have quick reflexes. recommend a DBM to track when you are supposed to do it, as there is a lot else going on in that phase too like dodging waves and infernals if i remember right, so its hard to tunnel those two short attacks
dont forget to eat a food or a feast for a well fed buff, consumables, etc, your gear will be scaled so every little bit matters, and the current scaling on it is especially rough
took me about 25 attempts i think. i;ve heard people take up to 100+, its a tough challenge with a lot going on. the more times you attempt it the more familiar you will be with the mechanics and the less overwhelming it will seem. also make sure you are max zoomed out so you can get a full view of all the effects on the stage at once, that helps.
Thats sad it sounds like they upped the tuning, in Dragonflight it got SOOOO much easier than it was in Shadowlands. I guess they made it spicyer in TWW?
go in with pvp gear on for the extra vers. for the horrors on the first phase rotate between barkskin (take brambles) and rage of the sleeper when they spawn. If you cant kill them fast enough theyll cast so depending on your dps spec into roar and use it as an interupt if you need it. You want both charges of survival instincts up for the 2nd boss so you really dont want to be using them in the first phase.
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Have completed it in multiple expansions (and have the mount)
For the guardian challenge specifically, biggest tips I can give are:
Get the ravaged seed pod, it does a ridiculous amount of damage in this encounter
And timing is everything. Transitioning to the last phase clean makes the last phase a lot easier. As an above poster said, remember you can stun him.
Have your DBM timers very visible. Especially for twisted reflection.
You can definitely do it, good luck
Buddy I feel ya. I’ve been trying to do it on a rog ally handheld with console port addon and my a** just gets clapped
. We will prevail…… eventually
I only give it a few tries a week for sanity’s sake.
Not gonna lie it’s pretty spicy. I’ve looked up multiple builds and walkthrough vids. I’ve been wondering if my issue is that I don’t have the new expansion yet hence I don’t have the hero talent tree yet
. Cause the damage they are pumping in those vids I’m not even close to and I do have the ravaged seed pod and am working on getting the gaze trinket atm. Unfortunately my WOD intro quest bugged on this toon so I have to rebuild an alt lmao 
Heya! i was able to get it in November with a 575 ilvl at level 80. It took me like 70+ attempts and was freaking difficult!
I would recommend you be 80 for the hero talents - the buffs in the lunar tree to lunar beam and moonfire are too much to not have, especially when you need all the dps you can get. The tuning on this is harsh, and without the hero talents i dont think i could have done it. P2 is a nightmare
Dont give up, you can do this.
Ravaged seed pod was indeed OP, and you can try to get it on normal/heroic/mythic, same ilvl… not sure that’s still the case though?
get the DBM challange addon, it helps… maybe a macro to laser the eyes. and focus interrupt macros… coz those heals gotta get interrupted.
Get some hearty food, flask up… and dont give up.