Been away for years. How is frost doing?

I’m considering buying TWW, and the last time I was active was WoD and very briefly during BfA, so obviously things have changed.
I’m wondering how frost is performing in general, how both 2H and DW are currently faring in both dps and pvp, and whether its better to build into breath or oblit for either activity?

DK is very good this expansion. Very good and thematic hero talents as well.


Won’t know the info you are looking for until later in the tier.

Right now everything is :crystal_ball:.

DW obliteration is looking strong currently for PVE, but all it takes is one round of patch notes for things to change.


deathbringer is pretty awesome and when i get better gear its gonna be amazing


Currently a FoTM spec for M+, and upper middle of the pack in raid. But there’s going to be a tuning pass on heroic week and mythic week. I see virtually no way that Deathbringer doesn’t cop a nerf, both Blood and Frost are ripping dungeons to pieces rn.

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Not doing as good as everyone is saying, more and more classes passing us by as they gear up. Like I said a while back, mediocre. Also, there is a bug with reapers mark.
Blood is OP and needs a nerf. Frost will not last long once folks realize that it mostly hype and the nerfs were too heavy at the end of beta. GG

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How is blood OP? I must be doing something wrong.

Deathbringer. Blood is bursting for as much AoE damage as many DPS classes.

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