Been away for a bit more than two years. Changes are difficult to identify

I figured out they broke macro chaining (not really a worry - but it wasn’t the simplest thing to find).

Trying to figure out why this pair of macros behave differently.

/stopmacro [bonusbar:5,nomod,flying]
/cleartarget [help][noharm,exists][dead][mod:alt/ctrl]
/targetenemy [help][noexists][noharm][dead][mod:alt/ctrl]
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead][]Charge

/stopmacro [bonusbar:5,nomod,flying]
/cleartarget [help][noharm,exists][dead][mod:alt/ctrl]
/targetenemy [help][noexists][noharm][dead][mod:alt/ctrl]
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][harm,nodead][]Heroic Throw

The former behaves as I would expect.

If I have my mouse over a unit in the field and click the button that macro is on, the Charge is at the unit I’m mousing over, otherwise it grabs the closest target in the character’s forward cone and charges that unit, unless it already had a target, in which case it charges that unit.

The latter diregards the mouseover entirely and won’t grab the closest target in its forward cone.

They’re exactly the same macro except for the ability being used.

I used this macro a few years ago (it was still in my macro library when I came back and I regularly used it as a cheap-and-dirty pull macro).

It’s not working now and I can’t find any changes to Heroic Throw that would have caused this change.

Any help out there?

What kind of “not working” are we talking about? Nothing happens? Error message? Computer explodes?

The latter diregards the mouseover entirely and won’t grab the closest target in its forward cone.

The two macros are absolutely identical other than the ability being used and both worked when I left the game 2 1/2 years ago.

I’m just trying to figure out why at this point.

I can’t see the changelog details since I’m on my phone and the webpage requires a mouse to mouse over to see the tooltip changes, but:

Note the flag that I’ve highlighted (bold italics). That would seem to prevent “closest target” targeting for any opponent you’re not already in combat with.

As I said, I can’t tell if that was added specifically to the 11.0.5 version of the ability, but it sounds suspiciously relevant.

Yeah, but shouldn’t @mouseover still work? Or did that go away during my hiatus?

Also, I’m not relying on “auto targeting” from the ability.

The macro itself selects and sets the target.

I don’t have any insight for that. That may be a separate issue, or maybe you’re not actually mouseovering when you thought you were (and therefore requiring that “closest target” thing).

  1. I’d have to have made consistent mistakes with Heroic Throw that I haven’t made with Charge - repeatedly over the past two days testing this. I think it’s unlikely to be an error in mousing over the unit I want to use Heroic Throw on.

  2. The macro explicity targets the nearest enemy, independent of the ability being used. That’s confirmed in how it behaves with Charge (including the “pick a new target” bit with alt/ctrl held).

I’m kinda stuck.

I’m less worried about this with Heroic Throw and more for Shattering Throw - I can’t test that against a caster dummy because there aren’t any.

I’ve tested this against targeting dummies, neutrals, and enemy units and the behavior of both macros is consistent (the second one is universally not working like the first one).

Solved this.

I absolutely cannot believe I forgot to put the gorram macro in the button.

I had the raw ability there.


It works fine now.