Been a week and still can't decide what to play

Returning after having to step away at the start of S4 because of irl and work, I’m wanting to reroll but after a week of thinking and doing research I’m at a loss. From what i can tell most guilds are looking for either ranged dps and healers so maybe I should pick one of those? Even then I can’t figure what I’d want to play. While I would love to tank again (despite all the nerves, it’s my favorite role) I never see guilds recruiting for tanks, I also don’t believe any heroic guild would want me because I’ve only tanked normal Amirdrassil so maybe I shouldn’t consider a tank? I don’t know, what’s in demand and what should I consider?

I would say go Druid or Pally since there is a tank spec and a heal spec.
Druid gives a ranged spec.

Druid and Paladin are the most played classes and I see them a lot on guild recruitment discords so there’s a worry about the competition for raid spots

aren’t paladin the worst healers in the game right now? IDK about TWW but going into season 4 they were ranked the worst.