Been a long time

Been a long time since I played (since BFA landed). I jumped in and did my level 110 boost to basically make a mat harvesting mule as I already have characters I like. Had to leave BFA for life reasons, but now having a bit more time to get back into it. Before that, I hadnt played WoW since 2nd expac.

However, my time is very finite now. Family and all, work. So I guess what I’m wondering is where on earth does a guy start who hasn’t played since mid 2000’s? Seems like everything has changed, and the sheer amount of content since vanilla wow is pretty mind blowing to me at this point. I know I’ll never experience it all.

But since I’m gonna Level a new guy from 1-120, what’s the the most “interesting” and story filled way to get there? The grind doesn’t bug me much, but having some enjoyable quests and storylines along the way would improve the process immensely!

Any advice from you veteran players out there would be great. Thanks!

It would be difficult to say, really. I found the storyline in Wrath to be the most interesting. But you really don’t get to see it all now. They have done stuff with the questing to make it faster, including cutting out a lot of the quests. That said, you have a few options now with the scaling.

Where once you had to limit yourself to a linear quest experience, now almost every zone is scaled to be close to your level. From 1-15 is very fast, especially if you have heirlooms. But if you want an experience a bit slower paced, I suggest you quest your way through the storyline as they present it. The adventure guide will help.

If you are an rper, you can actually get more immersed in the storylines and make some new friends along the way. That is what I enjoy, more than the game with its sometimes ret conned mess of a story. But in the end it is up to you.

First of all, thanks for your reply.

Last I played I collected a ton of heirlooms from ironforge. I own a decent amount of the ones you can buy, so levelling won’t take long. Playing 1-2 hours a day shouldn’t take TOO long, month or two I’m assuming. Maybe faster, judging by the sound of how streamlined things have become.

I enjoy to RP in games, but I’ve never tried it in WoW. I’d have to slow down and read quests for sure, as there’s just so many of them to do that I think I’d be rushing through text walls. But there’s a good plot and stories out there in game, I just need to notice it. While WoW seems to push a very fast pace, i suppose it can be taken as fast or slow as a guy wants.

I feel like the story-telling improved greatly with Legion and Battle for Azeroth, though that doesn’t really help with the 53-100 aspect of the game.

There are a lot of stories out there, mostly zone-based. Since the leveling areas now scale together within the continents*, you can find a narrative you enjoy and just stay there to its completion.

Didn’t enjoy Burning Crusade? Just level through Northrend instead. You didn’t like Pandaria? Try Cataclysm.

*There are a few exceptions, including the Cataclysm-unlocked zones.