Been a few days, and no blue posts regarding Hunters in SL after tons of feedback

I’ve been following the post in the Hunter feedback post in the SL forum (of which I still can’t seem to reply to, even though I have some things I got to say), and still no Blue response. Almost every class has had some feedback given, and an updated blog post regarding some changes based on the feedback. Hunters are getting shafted once again. Remember that post we had that was so long that they had to make another one (Let’s Talk)? That went absolutely nowhere it felt.

What’s with Blizzard completely ignoring us expansion after expansion?

Of course on the off chance a Blue does come into this post and say the same old default response of “We actively read all posts and take all feedback in consideration.” Well it sure doesn’t feel that way. Not one bit. If it did we wouldn’t have a 3 min CD on Cheetah, locked pet families, 6-sec cast time on pet rez, an underwhelming set of specs to play, Melee Survival (or the addition of a fourth spec), bad pet AI, and a whole host of other problems.

Clearly Blizzard only cares about a certain set of specs/classes, and I just really don’t understand why.


Can’t reply in the beta forums unless you have beta access.

Current prevailing theories basically consist of none of the devs actually play a hunter and/or they have no idea what to do with/how to balance hunters.


That actually makes a lot of sense. I’ve been in every Alpha and Beta for the past few expansions due to a friend working at Blizzard (unfortunately he left the company last year, he was working on the Diablo 3 team), so I had no idea this was thing. I should have known. Thanks for confirming.

Yeah I’ve made that same assessment previously. But it can’t just be a meme can it? It can’t actually be true, haha.

We have no real way to confirm it. John Hight, has recently claimed to play a hunter, but I’m not sure I believe him.

You must be new here. Head back up to the front and get a name tag sticker and come back ‘round to the back. There’s some refreshments and snacks in the back. Avoid any of the dips, they’re left over from when Ghostcrawler was around. In about 15 minutes we are going to start the slideshow presentation of the "good ole’ days pre-WoD.

Still waiting for the response to the Blue posts around Legion for the multipage thread that was a “discussion about hunters”.

You mean mages.


Posted this kind of thing on General Discussion. There was a lack of interest. Only interest here in Hunter forums.

Not exactly new. Been playing since Vanilla, but it more hyperbole than anything. I haven’t posted much on these new forums because honestly… I don’t like the new set up. It seemed like an unneeded change. I preferred it when it was I appreciate your joke though. Made me chuckle.

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it’s not something new with shadowlands. both legion and BFA they had to fix our specs in later patches because they did nothing all of beta to address the problems. the fact that we also get the worst legendaries should say enough.

I have only ever participated in one beta, and the hunter community went largely ignored back then. At this point, I’m not sure they actually care about design philosophy and mainly focus on bugs and QOL.