Bee Mount Limited Time?

Hey all,

New-ish player who couldn’t find an answer to this: will the bee mount be available to acquire forever, or at least throughout BFA?

As a recently boosted 113 solo player, it will definitely take me a while to unlock cool BFA items like the bee - but I need it! I would like to know if it will be there waiting for me when I’m able to start the grind. Thanks all!

Shouldn’t be, it’s just a regular rep grind.


That’s what I thought, too. That’s great to know I don’t need to prioritize it now.


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Blizzard usually (but not always) announce when something is a limited time offer. They haven’t said that about the bee.

However, procrastinating in this game has been dangerous over the years. For example, just found out a Hunter pet I kept putting off getting has been removed from the game with no warning.


And now you know why classic exists

Imagine removing art assets/content from your game. Maybe you’ll see that pet on the BMAH in a few months :wink:


So far as I know it’ll be in forever. At least they’ve never said they were going to take it out.

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This is exactly why I was asking! That’s a real bummer that happened to you. Which one was it?

… I said Hunter pet.

Fel / corrupted hippogryph from Nighthold. You could only get the pet when the daily was active. They removed the daily.

Blizzard sells gold, not too far fetched to assume they would start selling hunter pets in the blizzard store eventually… especially considering they are all equalized.

It’s not for a limited time but I would t put it off. The grind to revered so you can buy the goggles would be brutal done solo. Do it now while there are still groups with people helping others out with theirs.


Since Blizzard has never done anything like this ever in WoW, yeah it’s very far fetched.

Aren’t you on the wrong forums?


Have they been questioned on its removal? That kind of sucks if it’s intentional.

I see - so you get revered with the correct faction and then buy goggles which helps with farming? That’s good to know.

Here you go, now I’m on one of my 120’s.

Blizzard never sold gold before the wow token, how is it far fetched to speculate on whether or not they would do something different than what they have “always” done.

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Furthermore blizzard has proven they aren’t afraid of removing content (Naxx 60) and then selling gear that was “removed” for gold.

Why are there multiple versions of dalaran floating around? Why is there only one Naxx?

My speculation on hunter pets was a joke… but a completely plausible one. Blizzard used to not sell mounts, now they do. Battle pets used to not exist… now they do. How is what I said at all out of the realm of possibility?

Bug reports have been submitted.

I did the bee stuff on my own without help and although annoying and time consuming I was flying around for maybe 2-3 hours a night or so for about a week maybe before revered. It’s tough to see the jellies before you can get the goggles, but still possible.
The good thing is once you get the goggles it goes immensely faster since they show up as blips on your mini map.

Good luck!

Thanks for this. I’ll prioritize the goggles!

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I don’t care what level you are. That’s not why I asked you that question. You clearly hate retail and love Classic so why are you here?

Blizzard started selling tokens because idiots wouldn’t stop buying gold from farmers. Also, it gives people a choice. They don’t sell specific amounts… they let the market set the price.

Regardless, that has nothing to do with whether or not Blizzard would sell Hunter pets in the store. That’s completely far fetched.

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