Bee mount is actually faction locked to Alliance

+1 mount on Alliance side for the achievements requiring so many mounts

I hope it remains Alliance locked. They need to pander to the Alliance a bit, just to throw them a bone they can’t actually whine about.

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I should agree with you, but I just can’t make myself care about the horde"missing" out on something.

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You got a flying mount from rep vendor from the start of expansions as well as a original heyna from voldun. We got nothing but horses…horses…and more horses! Oh followed up by reskinned gryphons#250 for 90k gold.

It has nothing to do with unique models; it has to do with the fact that your side would have an extra mount towards the achievements since you guys can ride Kuafon and the direhorn. I agree that Alliance mounts suck this expansion.

You are an ignorant and hypocritical because of the way you talk about one faction that has received more help than the other, so you are just too dumb to make a conversation. And the excess of commas and points only makes you look more dumb.

Trying to link you my pvp and pve experience and achievements is like comparing
a worm with an eagle. So i will let you think you can be better.

Stop thinking that your faction is good or interesting because is not ; they literally had to nerf the lore of the alliance , buff the horde racials , let them broke the population and still can be relevant . Like i said i played in the horde but the amount of help that i “got” from blizzard was like playign in ez mode so no thank you .

Boralus is more convenient, but Dazar’alor looks a hell of a lot better, it’s just a nice place to walk around when you have nothing else to do.

i’ve played alliance since vanilla. there is no horde bias. just whiny players.


Ok making guilds go horde like midwinter , method , scrubusters and others to the horde because they have better racial in a pve focus game and then the same players saying " WE ARE ONLY HERE FOR THE RACIALS NOT OTHER REASON" , is not bias at all.


that’s what you think bias is? do you play at that level? are you in method? can i watch your stream? if so you’d be horde already in which case we wouldn’t be having this conversation. however, you’re complaining on a max level alliance character which means you obviously don’t care about whatever up that the devs have given horde. so really what are you complaining about? you want to play hard mode and now you are. that’s assuming you believe that racials are too different right now which they’re not. o/


Two of those are vanilla mounts that you haven’t been able to acquire since Cataclysm. The third is the Dark Iron Paladin mount, which of course is exclusive with any other Paladin mount and therefore does not contribute to mount counts.

Guilty? :man_shrugging:

i’m glad alliance have finally gotten something that they will enjoy. i am not really a collector so the disparity doesn’t bother me. hurrah alliance. <3

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What the f. . . u talking ? is not about me going hardcore or not , is not that simple lol. Is the impact that had on the game . People moving to a faction because has better tools . . .destroyed the wow population ,is not that hard to understand it. If most of the people start moving to a faction because make the game easier for you , oc is something wrong and bias LMAO.

Even if now the racials dont have that big difference than before , they still made a huge impact in the game and took almost 12 years . . .12 years to try to fix it .

The game should never make you go a faction because one of them has better tools , is dumb and stupid . And if you think that didnt have an impact just ignore me because i dont want to get ban in the forums.

I think this thread exemplifies a lot of what is wrong with humanity.

Alliance Posters feel mistreated because of a lack of variety of mounts. They bemoan the lack of fairness and equity.

Yet - when they get an Alliance Only mount, do they talk about fairness or equity? No. They rub salt in the wounds and say “GOOD!”

As if the Horde player base designed every mount except the bee. They fail to realize Blizzard is responsible for both issues.

It is disheartening to see people so petty. But it a dose of humanity for those of us who forget how petty we can be.


did you play in WoD? were you a human like everyone else was? because it hasn’t been for 12 years. WoD was less than 5 years ago. and ally was the main faction and mercing got put in despite before horde being the big pvp faction and them being told to get over it or reroll alliance if they wanted quicker queues. sure sounds like horde bias to me!!!

Dude first in pandaria was full horde mode , so every expansion until legion was like this . One expa full alliance other full horde ; but doesnt matter because at the end the people who does pvp are not even the 5% of the people who does pve . like for every 5 people that are doing pvp is 100 doing pve . So no point on comparing them.

Because im gonna take ur example , if that was sooooooo broken about the “human racial and his impact” why the pvp leader is not like the pve leader ? You see how dumb it looks what u talking ?.

look at all this gold and blue

and don’t say shut up pvp guy. this proves that alliance is not as terrible as you people claim.

edit i tried to show 3s and rbgs but idk if it did. but you can just click the other one from whatever one shows up.

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First is EU and second a i see a lot of horde not like this .

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IS A BIG DIFFERENCE FOR REAL. And we are talking about single player , those raids have at least 25 people each. So like i said it again theres no comparison.

what mythic raid has 25 players? and if it’s not mythic why does it matter?

omg . . . like you are new or something ? all those guild has like 25 people ready to raid. … cmon. Is just too dumb tying to explain thte impact that had it in the population because you are too blind for real.

Is that hard to understand that the amount of people because of racials destroyed the wow population ? like for real is that hard ?.