Bee mount is actually faction locked to Alliance

Yea, it must suck to always be the good guy who saves the day and doesn’t have to take flight paths just to get to ships and certain NPCs


Well original bee looks to be Alliance only, both in use and obtain, but there’s 2 other versions, a black bee for example, so maybe it becomes neutral/horde-only. Or… remains Kul’tiran mount, we’ll see.

I don’t care, but alliance shouldn’t be able to summon Kua’fon either.


Blizz will probably impliment a horde equiv eventually, like with the winterspring saber

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Don’t worry, nobody in the Alliance is using that ugly mount lol

I didn’t even bother to obtain it with my Horde alt

Hardly the point, what sense does it make for alliance to be able to summon the child of a loa.


If it stays locked there’d be mo reason to get it for me then. I play horde way more.

Please don’t bring that in, it’s a much more complicated story because the vast majority of alliance players don’t actually take advantage of that. Moreover the entire point of that is to balance out the fact that in many cases horde has an uncontested 10% across the board. I can and have said more elsewhere on the topic as I believe the bonus to be a bad idea for both factions.

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Any of those little flying critters with stingers will land me in the hospital. There was one in the house just the other day and I ran screaming yelling at my husband “get it get it get it”.

That sound they make this expansion makes me squirm. Hate that sound.

At least they aren’t getting more other horses.

I agree with OP as well. No need to be faction locking mounts and screwing over the horde. Way to be an @ss blizz.



Alliance players getting a mount that isn’t a horse, or is it?!? It could be the body of a bee with the head and legs of a horse.

Lmao, This is sad, but it is true. Even the bikes have nightmares when Tauren rides them.

The discussion here isn’t about Horde not being able to obtain it. It’s about players with Alliance characters not being able to use it on their Horde characters after having obtained it.

That means it won’t just be Horde yapping. It will be:

Horde with Alliance alts yapping.
Alliance with Horde alts yapping.
Players who play both factions equally yapping.

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One things for sure, there will definitely be a lot of “Yapping” going on.

I guess it depends on what your definition of “crap” is. Boralus is a the great fantasy sea-side city that takes pride in being pirates and sailors. Also very easy to navigate as expected. My definition off “crap” is Zuldazar. The city made of gold is nice and all but it’s too complex in design, I feel like I’m discovering a pyramid maze when I’m there and it’s garbage.


Bummer! Oh well no bee mount for me then. Bye bye bee :honeybee:

The easy fix would be to make Kua’fon and/or the Direhorn only able to be mounted by Horde players.

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I think its fair. I mean so far throughout this Expansion the Horde only got Horde Mounts that isn’t owned by the Alliance and all that the Alliance had was Horses, Horses, Horses, Gryphons, and more of same thing over and over again.

I’m happy Bee Mount for us Alliance Folks. Horde already has a Blood sucking Bug Creature or whatever kind of creative mount there is for them.

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They can’t because that would send the forums on a frenzy changing something that has been a certain way for ages. Besides, they are Pterradon/Direhorn#100, what’s special about making it horde only when you got a horde one from vendor? And a ghost one too. So you got 2 horde only pterros.