Bee mount is actually faction locked to Alliance

They aren’t now. Blizz finally evened them out, but the damages had already been done. In vanilla it was all alliance. Then blizz tossed the horde a bone with the Sin’dorei, and then messed it up with f’d up racials.

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Congratulations. You get a giant ugly bee.

I am so jealous.


Is it actually faction locked or is it something you can use on horde once you unlock it on alliance

this i can agree with. they went overboard. they need to do something to correct it though and the velf and DID racials are a good step in the right direction. however, the racials are NOT so skewed right now that it’s obviously horde is BiS for everything. that’s what i was disagreeing with.

Your right, but the damage is done. All the hardcore mythic pushers and pvp guilds went horde. The only way to shift it back is to give maybe incentives and free transfers. That’ll never happen. I don’t know how to fix it.

i think they should give some sort of incentives. i don’t know what they could be. i was happy with the AOO quest to give alliance a heroic piece. but ofc horde cried non stop on the forums about “fairness” not realizing that the game is set up to be unfair at this point and a free heroic piece once a week is the least we could do.

As of this posting, and only with speculation and datamined evidence from the PTR, it appears to be Alliance only.

Nothing 100% official about it

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grats alliance!

now i’ll sit here and drink horde tears along with you. you guys deserve something nice sometimes too. :stuck_out_tongue:


that’s kind of a shame if so

but I also feel like night elf druids who use this mount better have the fairy wing shoulders when they use this or I’m losing all respect for them

Is aoo enough to get horde players to transfer back to alliance?

if it was me i’d give a mythic piece. and then i’d ban any horde who cried about it from the forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

but idk what would work tbh.

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They tried that. Guilds xfered, got the rewards and came back. Wont work. Just pisses off a large portion of the raid community

so like 1% of people who play do mythic. i’m not sure why we’re letting them dictate the other 99% of the players who play.

I wouldnt mind if that version is locked to Alliance so long as there is a drop version recolor also available like we had with the various rep mounts.

Personal view, of course.

nobody is dictating anything. Just saying it doesnt work as been proven

I’d rather not.

Not all of us have the same opinion. I like the idea of earning faction specific mounts and being able to use them on anyone. It encourages you to play both sides. Granted, I don’t think it should happen that often or it’d get annoying.

I think that what people ought to be focusing on is that it sets precedence for Blizz to do this with other unique mounts for either side. Not saying its wrong to design/implement special things for either side, but people cheering that the horde can’t (or may not) be able to use this need to think ahead for when the shoe is inevitably on the other foot.

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You need to ride around the nice part of town around the outskirts of Proudmoore Keep. There are Beautiful gardens, outdoor restaurants and homes to explore ^.^

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Alliance has to put up with about a 75% less competent player pool to draw from. I think it’s ok to give us a bee.