Becoming Pregnant

Skyrim/fallout mods…is that you?

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Okay but it’s gonna be super awkward if I somehow end up being the father… for obvious reasons (no body).

The baby is spending every other weekend with you

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No, Its not appropriate for this game.

this could be quite lucrative considering foxes have between 4 and 9 pups.

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Happy sunday

I would sell my baby on the black market action house for gold.


Singing Kumbaya by the campfire , hold hands , giving everyone a high five , hugging is done every 30 min . , and telling everyone they are doing a good job . That is not appropriate . I would flag that thread in a heart beat .

Happy Sunday


Oh heck no.

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No. Nope. No. This is by far the worst idea I have ever seen and also since when is realism needed in a fantasy game?
Hard pass. Smash this idea with a hammer.

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Just join an RP realm and race change from a human to a kul’tiran for 9 months.

Problem solved.




Sunday is nice.

I will only support this if DK’s become midwives and use deathgrip to deliver the baby from the womb.


A warlock summons it out of the womb.

Those are my demands.


op your crazy imagination would fit right in with Moon Gaurd’s Goldshire rp community.

Have you seen the new Human customization? 100% Sims design.

Think of how heavily abused and all the negatives of the media when this blows up because of moonguard goldshire

What… would a Druid’s baby be? Would its species be determined by what form you were in at the time? Would it shapeshift with the mother?

Why are you making me think of these things?

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Speaking of conducting experimentation?