Become like Drakedog

Drakedog as some of you know is a really famous warlock from the vanilla era. But what made him “famous” also led him to be infamous in Korea where he played.

DragonDog, later known as DrakeDog, began playing during the World of Warcraft closed beta. He was making a name for himself even then by ganking every player he came across, which at the time was frowned upon as there was currently no honour system in place. When the game went live the name DragonDog was already taken because he was well known across all Korean servers, so he picked the name DrakeDog instead.

If you want to be infamous on your server. Start pvping mercilessly in phase one with zero honor rewards. :slight_smile:

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But if everyone does it, you won’t stand out.

Vurtne also had a similar reputation. He didn’t always murder everyone, but he was relentless and never gave up. He was also one of the first and most well known incredibly skilled mages.

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he was one of the first mages to use rogue/engineering tactics. it was rare to see a mage use a bomb stun and such. on top of that, he was an amazing mage player and encouraged a lot of people to play mages.

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I want to make a good reputation by being a good tank who help other people. Like it or not, so you better let me help you or I will follow you, even in your sleep. :slight_smile:

You will never feel as secure and threatened at the same time, ever again.

If everyone is a murderer. No one is. :frowning:

Fixed for clarification.

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Be like Angwe.

Read these rage whispers are your own risk, mind you. There is a lot of bad language.

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What if I become famous because I kill all the murderers?.

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This will be the new meta.

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Were talking old school killers and we DONT MENTION LAINTIME!? The man micro’d his swing timer and trinks back when people back pedal’d