Because of layering , count me out

I agree, layering sucks, and the examples of it in the beta are absolutely terrible. How this tech makes it into a game called “classic”, when it’s one of the biggest game-breakers there is, is beyond me.

They claim it will be temporary. I don’t really believe that. If the game is bigger than they expect and the realms are absolutely loaded with people, they will not only use it for the first few weeks. It would remain.


How do you think all those returning players from pservers will take to layering ?

Retail folks will embrace it as that is how they play today.

That big drop-off they are expecting may contain more than just “tourists”.

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Imo pserver players who leave over layering were going to leave either way.

If you’re a pserver player who is coming back you’re more informed than most, or should be since you’re obviously into it enough to play a pserver. So you’re into it enough to follow news surrounding it. If layering makes you leave you’d likely leave eventually over it ultimately not being like your pserver.

It would reason if you had enough of an issue with layering to leave over it. You would just abstain from playing with layering.

I would be more concerned about the larger portion of returning players who haven’t played in years and haven’t played pservers.

Hopefully they don’t like it, and don’t play.

Don’t need terrible private server players that will do nothing but gritch that the content isn’t “hard” enough because the private servers had it wrong.

you wouldn’t have your classic if it wasn’t for those “terrible private server players”

At least give credit where credit is due.


[citation needed]

Maybe you should have kept up with the news…you never heard of the petition and the Nost team being invited to Irvine with a metting with Blizzard execs ?


That can easily be discounted since it was easy to sign it multiple times, and easy to sign it fraudulently.

A PR stunt, nothing more.

Yeah but you’re ignoring the fact that yes, whilst it’s good that they’re fixing issues with a system, it’s a system that the majority (and there’s been polls) of people have voiced opposition to lol. So yay, they’re fixing it, boo, most of us don’t want it anyway.


Still, best thing, if possible, trying to make the option of both layered and non-layered servers. Both groups win. People need to quit trying to screw over the others’ view and just try to push for allowing both options. If non-layered is so bad and people think it’ll go downhill without the layering, that’s on those who choose that type of server.

Why is this not the answer we should be trying to get. Does each side really have to try and screw the other with the “my way or the highway” mentality instead of trying to get options.

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ROFL. Head buried in sand for a few years?


Which realms has Blizzard closed since they were launched? I could only find Connected Realms. Dead servers limped along despite transfer abilities, until MoP when they introduced Connected Realms, and then later Coalesced Realms (CRZ)

I don’t remember any dead realms by June 2005, except for new ones they opened which hadn’t taken a big population yet. I remember people talking about dead realms in TBC, but as far as I can see, Blizzard has never closed a realm.

Closing =/= dead. Do you really think they only offered migrations and transfers to lower pop on the high pop realms? Couldn’t possibly be to also increase pop on dead realms.

You can look at it any way you want but there were dead realms in vanilla which is partially why they offered migrations from specific high pop realms to specific low pop (read:dead) realms.

If it was just about reducing pop on the high pop realms they would have offered them to any realm that wasn’t high pop. They didn’t though. It was just from x realm to y realm. Or from x realm to y and z realm.


By your original statement referring to mine, I interpreted that as offering transfers off low pop realms.

Yes, high pop transfers had specific targets which were low pop realms.

Low pop and “dead or dying” are different though. The transfers were to low pop realms to increase their population, generally because they were new. No launch opening server was “dead or dying” by the end of Vanilla. People naturally wanted to play with friends, so they rolled on existing servers and there were a far smaller number of “fresh players” with no existing ties.

Low pop servers never died. They struggled for a while before raising in population. There may have been claims of dead servers, but those servers never were alive by that logic, until later.

My server was not new. It was also one of/if not the first to receive such transfers. It was basically dead. Population dwindling and no one new rolling there.

Iirc most the realms receiving them were actually not new but basically in the same state. The new player tag on the server list didn’t help much and nobody new was joining those realms. They were low pop and only getting lower. They were as dead as could be for a vanilla realm in that period.

Which server specifically?

I know that Blizzard added a glut of new servers at one point, and that it took them many months to populate, but that by TBC most of the Vanilla servers had a medium population.

I agree some struggled to get started, but after the AQ event, fresh servers became a popular thing, and enough people stayed long enough to establish communities.

Stonemaul. Was out by early-mid dec when I started and transfers hit around bg release.

Server wasn’t a ghost town (people were active, just not a lot of em) but it definitely wasn’t growing. Migrations helped but I don’t know if they solved it.

From my memories, I remember a number of servers claiming to be dead and asking for transfers off dead realms, but none ever happened to take them off. AFAICR most of the crying stopped in later periods as the announcement of TBC brought new players.

I understand your frustration, OP. If I didn’t have a guild to think of, I might feel the same way.


Pretty sure stonemaul ended Vanilla as medium pop but was low from launch (of server) until I don’t even know when cause I quote shortly after transfers and came back around ZG.