Because of layering , count me out

Instead of mucking up with the game to account for their login queues, go off and work on your login server code to be able to handle that many players logging in.

Is wow the only game with this “80,000 waiting in the queue” issue ? I’ve only ever seen this in wow, not any other game I’ve played.

I’d stick around for a little but it would definitely have me leave if the issue persists over a week. I have a lot more games available to play.

Sadly I think the #nochanges crowd are fine with queue times because it will get tourists to leave. They are gatekeepers

Your best arguments are assumptions that Classic will do terribly enough to drop 75% of its entire player base. Is that correct?

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What other MMOs have these type of active players all in the same instance at the same time?

Why do I get the feeling that a lot of posters arguing against layering want Classic to fail.

Are you trolling? I didn’t say merging dead servers was a Vanilla feature I said in your worst case scenario example they could merge dead servers. I’d rather they don’t merge them as well, I’m all for Vanilla being exactly how it was.

I was specifically asking about the login server.

I don’t think they want classic to fail. They just don’t want too many people to play. They look down on retail players, they look down on new players. Basically anyone who didn’t play during vanilla. It’s an elitist mentality.

Which is funny because they are arguing from a community perspective/immersion perspective against layering but is only a couple thousand people playing classic servers a large thriving community? It’s not

You’re the one who wants BFA shard hopping to be a reality in classic. So naive.

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Show me where I have actually posted anything like that. I want layering, not sharding. I want layer-hopping to be severely restricted…

Merging servers would do more damage to the games community than 2-3 months of layering.

I’d rather deal with layering for a little bit than have to type -blackrock when trying to message someone I grouped with yesterday.

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You won’t have a server community if you have 2-3 months of layering.

You will have guild communities (just like on live) and you will pick up a few friends along the way (just like in live) but you are losing the whole charm of the game during the most important phase of the game.


layering IS sharding only on a grander scale…continent wide.


2-3 months in you’ll already have level 60 guilds doing MC/Ony.

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You’re misrepresenting “Do terribly”. Those 75% of players will not continue, because they prefer retail. We have a shared sub, and everyone is going to try it out at launch, then get bored and leave because they’re used to retail.

And if you look at it, that’s still 500,000 to a million active players in Classic 1 month in. I expect it to naturally grow again after that point with new players, but yes, it’s my opinion and that of Blizzard that the vast majority of launch players will stop soon after, and that it’s because the major ‘easy market’ for Classic is people who won’t enjoy classic because they like Retail.

Boiling it down to “do terribly” just proves you have no idea of the reality of the situation, and are still working off some blue bells and seashells misconception of the game’s reception.

And we won’t have layering for “2-3 months”. We’ll have it “for a few weeks” at launch.

After which time all the systems reset to Vanilla methods. So while other plans leave a decimated player base spread amongst 1000s of servers, or a lot of people never even trying it because of massive queues, layering removes itself after a few weeks and then we have 100 high pop servers.

Please point me to where Blizzard said 500,000 active players in classic 1 month in.


Sharding is when you have too few players in a zone but you want to give the appearance WoW is not dead, especially to new players, as was happening in retail. So you bring players together from multiple realms into one zone. Looks more vibrant.

Layering is when you have too many players in a zone.

Layering is pretty awful.

Guys farming multiple arena trinkets just like they can with phasing in retail.

If we get rp-pvp servers with phase 2, maybe layering will be gone? And the game will actually be like Vanilla?!!!

Until then, the game is beta to me.


They didn’t. They said they expect at least few million to try it at launch, and “most of the tourists” to leave. Pick your % but a few million with anything below 80% quitting, is at least 500,000.

Maths is hard, I know.

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Actually that’s Cross Realm Zones.

Sharding is when you have too many people in a zone, and create multiple copies of that zone and that zone only.