Beautiful Humans

I feel as beutifual as the humas i feel.

Everyone said I was just a short human until I became a Dark Iron, now I’m not sure I’m human enough to count anymore :thinking:

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You kinda are.


that be crazy women dont exist irl there is only anime figures. also i dont go outside that would require touching grass aint nothing worth doing that for.

Heroic bump for the fem humans.

No, female orcs are the best!


But there aren’t enough of you…

Just point me towards the pie table.


I’m a beautiful human behind the vulpera mask :fox_face:

/Presses F to consider

Can confirm.

I married one.


This made me laugh pretty hard. It does get weird. :upside_down_face:

Me too. And it works both ways. I have met people I wasn’t really intially attracted to but as I got to know them and really see how awesome they are, everything about them started to look pretty great to me.

It’s funny how that works. And I love that it’s a thing.


It is weird and it doesn’t look gud, imo but I do love horses almost more than bears xD


and ye to your last comment.

I wonder if there are any Filipino chicks that play WoW?

those digitigrade legs drive 'em wild.

says the plantigrade human

true. also, just like jackie treehorn said: the brain is the largest erogenous zone.

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HISSSSSS! Big words make me headache!

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just remember, if they primarily walk on their toes - their digits - it’s digitigrade. For even more mnemonic madness, you can add ‘grade’ if you remember you’re walking uphill…away from the words.

we plant our heel :upside_down_face:

or something like that. I’m getting another cup of coffee…

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I know. I just wanted to chum the waters for the big word hating types that probably lurk around here.

well, i have a diurnal pattern of ‘flowers for algernon’ syndrome. some parts of the day i’m super intellectual, but the vast majority I’m all ‘lol gifs.’


You just jealous I’m beautiful naturally and don’t need no makeup to cover the hideous human face. :stuck_out_tongue: